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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Lol yeah that is funny!!! all right, thats a good point! ok I will learn French
  2. I HAVE to go for French hey??? ok then!!!
  3. Maybe but I am probably more likely to go travelling in France and Spain/ spanish and french speaking countries, but that is another possibility!
  4. One chart I saw a while back said 50 weeks which would have been accurate then as Grace Kelly came into the charts middle of January I think! Yeah the hit40 arent quite accurate, I am going to go have a look for another official chart site!!!
  5. I never did French at school, I did Spanish but am now interested in learning French or more Spanish...not sure which yet!
  6. Yeah I noticed something on his other hand too and if it is true...good for him, as Zsina says we know we all want him but we also want him to be happy and if he has found someone to settle down with I am so happy for him! and if it is a ring on his wedding finger I dont think he would put a ring there without it being meaningful considering how much press he knows he would get if he did suddenly have a ring on that finger!
  7. Thanks Shari, that is such a good pic and his hair....very nice!!!
  8. Exactly, so it says that he has only been in the charts for one week when that isnt true. that is all that is annoying me. Do the other chart websites say the same thing do u know?
  9. I dont know if anyone has already mentioned this but have u noticed that on the radio one website, the charts say that Grace Kelly is a new entry, although it has been in the charts or about 50 weeks!! What is the deal with that, I was quite annoyed cos it makes Grace Kelly out to be a new release and not an amazing song which has been in the charts for nearly a year!!! they have also done the same for Take That and Shine. But jus wondering why they did it???
  10. Exactly so he isnt engaged! Unless he is trying to trick us!!
  11. So....what is everyone's plans for the weekend? anyone doing anything nice? P.s jus realised this is my 900th thread, woo!!!
  12. bye bye Yeah I thought so too! also jus found out not actually going to cinema tonight as my friend is going to be late but we are going out for a meal in a very nice italian restaraunt called Prezzo!
  13. Loving the pics, wow! He is as usual so gorgeous! Also, is the ring on the correct hand for an engagement ring?
  14. Lol, thats so cool! I love that film. have u read the books that go with them?
  15. Really? cool! I have seen so many, me and a friend once had a competition once to see who had seen the most chick flicks, I won but that was years ago! My fave one at the moment has to be The Holiday, I love it! How about u? any fave chick flick?
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