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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. WOW!!! :shocked: That is a lot of Mikaness!!! I am very jealous. is that mainly vids or pics or a mixture of the two???
  2. looked like the burned remains of an odd looking spacecraft and as he dug deeper he felt something grab his arm and try to drag him in, but he was too strong and pulled it out to reveal it was the toy electronic dinosaur with six action poses and fifteen cool sayings just like the one he'd wanted when he was seven years old and the batteries had begun to malufnction after some little kid had set off this rocket and it had burned in the air causing the dinosaur to have little random spasms and Mika had come across it when it spasmed and grabbed him so Mika took the dinosaur and began to play with it when the toy suddenly burst into flames causing Mika to drop the dinosaur onto the pile of straw which set the pile alight, so Mika stood up quickly and walked away from the burning straw and walked straight into a booby trap pit that was disguised by the hay and he fell right on his cute little bum and as he rubbed it he realized that he had fallen over twenty feet, so he figured he had to get out some how and the idea came to him all of a sudden so he reached into his pocket and pulled out his grapple hook which he threw at the edge, the hook gripped onto the earth for a short while but as he put his weight on the rope it came out and he fell back into the pit, but then he came up with another genious plan which was to pull out his super snazzy cell phone and call someone to help him but he was out of minutes and out of range so he looked around and for the first time saw a rope ladder that led right out of the hole and hit hit himself on the head for not seeing it and as he began climbing the rope started to sever so doing some quick thinking he got an idea, he pulled out his reel of duct tape and wound it round the part of the rope that was breaking, but as he was doing that he noticed that his pants were falling down so he reached to pull them up and as he did so his pockets emptied spilling the contents at the bottom of the pit revealing his stash of Playmobil policemen which wants to sleep with him in his lovely cosy king size bed that has got enough room for Playmobil police- and firemen who also like the idea of the big cosy bed, but back to Mika in his pit, he looked down at all his mobil police and other things including the special mfc necklace he took around with him everywhere and didnt know what to do but then realized that the policemen could save him by grabbing all of his stuff that was lying on the ground and climbing up the rope after him thus saving him from having to go back down and not being able to get out, so thats what they did until he realized that now he owes them a favor so he'll have to buy them the full mobil fire house and police station when he is in London, but the next problem he encountered was his hair which had gone completely straight because of the humidity down there in the pit, so once he had climbed out of the pit he picked up his mini curling irons and started curling his hair when
  3. Lol, I have started doing that but having got quite so many! I have probably only got about 100 so far!!!
  4. OMg where was this taken? I dont think i have seen this one before, his hair is so different!! He still looks good though
  5. Have we had any feedback since Glasgow? Maybe ppl should mention it at the gigs in Jan and Feb?
  6. :shocked: I wish I was in Argentina now!!! :wub2:
  7. Sorry to hear about the problems u are having at the mo, I hope things work out for u! I am sure the mfc, me included, will be here for u whenever u need us or even if u us needed some encouragement and positive words!!! Also,Freddie, what has been happening with the petition has it stopped getting signatures or is it an ongoing petition???
  8. It is so nice to see articles like that written about him! He is starting to get the recognition he deserves which is great!! He may be dyslexic but I agree with many ppl when they say he has a way with words,there are so many nice lines he has said in interviews or gigs that have made me look at and think of things differently, and it is great that a singer does that!
  9. Cool, yeah we have easter too here! So, this year your birthday is during your time off school then isnt it? My birthday is 1st September so is usually jus before I go back to uni or school! Speak to u soon then! As you will probably be reading this when you are home,Bet u r glad to be home? How far away is your home from your school?
  10. All you would need to do is make sure Cherisse isnt on the stage, nab her costume and come on holding a pair of drumsticks in the costume, then how would he know that u weren't Cherisse??? I am way too devious:wink2: Should stop thinking of ways to get to Mika!!!
  11. Sounds good, yeah this weekend probably going out with a few friends friday night and saturday am hopefully going ice skating! Yeah I am a bit nervous but I will have someone the other end which helps and I have already taken my first flight on my own which was scary but ok! When are u 19? Is the 10 day weekend for easter???
  12. Yeah if all things go to plan! In June I am going to a big music festival, and the hopefully going to stay with an mfcer in the czech republic, I really wanted to go travelling in the summer and she offered me a place to stay, so hopefully I wil be able to do that. Plus it is my 20th birthday at the end of the summer! But before that I have got a very busy weekend ahead of me, how about u,any plans for the weekend?
  13. looked like the burned remains of an odd looking spacecraft and as he dug deeper he felt something grab his arm and try to drag him in, but he was too strong and pulled it out to reveal it was the toy electronic dinosaur with six action poses and fifteen cool sayings just like the one he'd wanted when he was seven years old and the batteries had begun to malufnction after some little kid had set off this rocket and it had burned in the air causing the dinosaur to have little random spasms and Mika had come across it when it spasmed and grabbed him so Mika took the dinosaur and began to play with it when the toy suddenly burst into flames causing Mika to drop the dinosaur onto the pile of straw which set the pile alight, so Mika stood up quickly and walked away from the burning straw and walked straight into a booby trap pit that was disguised by the hay and he fell right on his cute little bum and as he rubbed it he realized that he had fallen over twenty feet, so he figured he had to get out some how and the idea came to him all of a sudden so he reached into his pocket and pulled out his grapple hook which he threw at the edge, the hook gripped onto the earth for a short while but as he put his weight on the rope it came out and he fell back into the pit, but then he came up with another genious plan which was to pull out his super snazzy cell phone and call someone to help him but he was out of minutes and out of range so he looked around and for the first time saw a rope ladder that led right out of the hole and hit hit himself on the head for not seeing it and as he began climbing the rope started to sever so doing some quick thinking he got an idea, he pulled out his reel of duct tape and wound it round the part of the rope that was breaking, but as he was doing that he noticed that his pants were falling down so he reached to pull them up and as he did so his pockets emptied spilling the contents at the bottom of the pit revealing his stash of Playmobil policemen which wants to sleep with him in his lovely cosy king size bed that has got enough room for Playmobil police- and firemen who also like the idea of the big cosy bed, but back to Mika in his pit, he looked down at all his mobil police and other things including the special mfc necklace he took around with him everywhere and didnt know what to do but then realized that the policemen could save him by grabbing all of his stuff that was lying on the ground and climbing up the rope after him thus saving him from having to go back down and not being able to get out, so thats what they did until he realized that now he owes them a favor so he'll have to buy them the full mobil fire house and police station when he is in London, but the next problem he encountered was
  14. Luckily not, most of my course at the moment is based on coursework so we always have a lot of essays and projects. But we had a lot of deadlines for before xmas so I didnt have much work to do over the holidays, although I know I have a 3 hour law exam in my second year:shocked: but that isnt for a while yet! So do u finish school in June? you going anywhere on holiday during summer?
  15. looked like the burned remains of an odd looking spacecraft and as he dug deeper he felt something grab his arm and try to drag him in, but he was too strong and pulled it out to reveal it was the toy electronic dinosaur with six action poses and fifteen cool sayings just like the one he'd wanted when he was seven years old and the batteries had begun to malufnction after some little kid had set off this rocket and it had burned in the air causing the dinosaur to have little random spasms and Mika had come across it when it spasmed and grabbed him so Mika took the dinosaur and began to play with it when the toy suddenly burst into flames causing Mika to drop the dinosaur onto the pile of straw which set the pile alight, so Mika stood up quickly and walked away from the burning straw and walked straight into a booby trap pit that was disguised by the hay and he fell right on his cute little bum and as he rubbed it he realized that he had fallen over twenty feet, so he figured he had to get out some how and the idea came to him all of a sudden so he reached into his pocket and pulled out his grapple hook which he threw at the edge, the hook gripped onto the earth for a short while but as he put his weight on the rope it came out and he fell back into the pit, but then he came up with another genious plan which was to pull out his super snazzy cell phone and call someone to help him but he was out of minutes and out of range so he looked around and for the first time saw a rope ladder that led right out of the hole and hit hit himself on the head for not seeing it and as he began climbing the rope started to sever so doing some quick thinking he got an idea, he pulled out his reel of duct tape and wound it round the part of the rope that was breaking, but as he was doing that he noticed that his pants were falling down so he reached to pull them up and as he did so his pockets emptied spilling the contents at the bottom of the pit revealing his stash of Playmobil policemen which wants to sleep with him in his lovely cosy king size bed that has got enough room for Playmobil police- and firemen who also like the idea of the big cosy bed, but back to Mika in his pit, he looked down at all his mobil police and other things including the special mfc necklace he took around with him everywhere and didnt know what to do but then realized that the policemen could save him by grabbing all of his stuff that was lying on the ground and climbing up the rope after him thus saving him from having to go back down and not being able to get out, so
  16. cool, what do u plan to do after high school? no I havent seen transformers but intending to see it sometime! At least u have quite a while until your exams then? thats good!
  17. looked like the burned remains of an odd looking spacecraft and as he dug deeper he felt something grab his arm and try to drag him in, but he was too strong and pulled it out to reveal it was the toy electronic dinosaur with six action poses and fifteen cool sayings just like the one he'd wanted when he was seven years old and the batteries had begun to malufnction after some little kid had set off this rocket and it had burned in the air causing the dinosaur to have little random spasms and Mika had come across it when it spasmed and grabbed him so Mika took the dinosaur and began to play with it when the toy suddenly burst into flames causing Mika to drop the dinosaur onto the pile of straw which set the pile alight, so Mika stood up quickly and walked away from the burning straw and walked straight into a booby trap pit that was disguised by the hay and he fell right on his cute little bum and as he rubbed it he realized that he had fallen over twenty feet, so he figured he had to get out some how and the idea came to him all of a sudden so he reached into his pocket and pulled out his grapple hook which he threw at the edge, the hook gripped onto the earth for a short while but as he put his weight on the rope it came out and he fell back into the pit, but then he came up with another genious plan which was to pull out his super snazzy cell phone and call someone to help him but he was out of minutes and out of range so he looked around and for the first time saw a rope ladder that led right out of the hole and hit hit himself on the head for not seeing it and as he began climbing the rope started to sever so doing some quick thinking he got an idea, he pulled out his reel of duct tape and wound it round the part of the rope that was breaking, but as he was doing that he noticed that his pants were falling down so he reached to pull them up and as he did so his pockets emptied spilling the contents at the bottom of the pit revealing his stash of Playmobil policemen which wants to sleep with him in his lovely cosy king size bed that has got enough room for Playmobil police- and firemen who also like the idea of the big cosy bed, but back to Mika in his pit, he looked down at all his mobil police and other things including the special mfc necklace he took around with him everywhere and didnt know what to do but then
  18. It is jus my course (Journalism) doesnt start again til then! Yeah the cinema is great I havent been in a while, hoping to go see 'p.s I love you' I like english (well I had to as I am doing a course based on writing) but I never like science! Have u got any exams coming up? It seems a lot of ppl do!
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