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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. she plans to kick me??? Am I right???? :shocked:
  2. now u r making me nervous!!! *finds an online czech translator*
  3. Hi, As a few of you may know already I started a Mika blog last week and I was wondering if some of you lovely mfcers would do me a favour! I need people to look at the blog and give me some feedback either on mfc or on the actual site! It would mean a great deal to me as I need some opinions from Mika fans (other than myself) and also if any of my information is wrong I would love for ppl to tell me! Any constructive criticism will be welcomed, and any advice wld be great! Here is the link for it: http://www.celebritybloggers.net/blogs/Mika I hope you like the blog! Thanks Liz x x x
  4. Posts: 993,115 Nearly there! I reckon in about 24-48 hours we will reach 1 million! But that is only a guesstimate!! xxx
  5. OMG, look at the muscles on that!!! wow I wonder how strong he is?
  6. I have a mole very close to where Mika has his(but obviously I mean on my hand!) It is such a random place but his is a lot cuter
  7. That is so stupid and prejudiced! They cannot do that! What is the world coming to? I think ppl should jus accept each other for who they are, and not judge them by their sexuality!!! Loads of ppl could die because of this law!!! They must realise that, surely!
  8. Today I have had: 1x mozzarella and ham panini roast beef, potatoes, brocolli, parsnips and yorkshire puddings! 1x cranberry cereal bar (I need to start eating breakfast!)
  9. Thanks for the advice, I didnt end up having pasta today but I really appreciate the advice, I REALLY need to lose some weight, I dont like what I look like and so I am doing something about it! Also, the bread that is in the pic Ircazo, I suppose I would call it a baguette or a roll!!!
  10. That would be good! Maybe Mika and his band will go along and watch them perform as well as they have a night off
  11. Thanks for that! In that case I may have some pasta for lunch and salad for tea!!!
  12. nope afraid not, they have said it will be the mfcer with the name kittie88
  13. My main vice is pasta, I eat way too much and do not do enough exercise to compensate for the amount of carbohydrates I eat. So I suppose I can either cut down on carbohydrates or starting doing regular exercise, but i should also cut down on pasta as well and fatty foods! Right, salad for lunch I reckon!!!
  14. This is crazy am I addicted/dedicated or what? In just over 24 hours I have posted over 220 posts!!! I think maybe I should stop for tonight, I jus had to put that down as I am amazed and quite worried that I have posted that many!!! Anyway, speak to everyone later. Liz xxx
  15. Oh god that is mean! chatting with friends whilst listening to Mika!!! Disney or Pixar?
  16. Hey welcome to mfc! It becomes very addictive but it is lots of fun!!! Liz x x x
  17. 4 siblings German guys/girls or czech guys/girls?
  18. Bon Jovi a little bit of heaven or a little bit of hell?
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