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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Yeah u could serenade him. Have u got a good singing voice?
  2. Maybe, Iwill have a look! Ircazo what song do u want to sing?
  3. Only about half an hour ago I jus noticed it suddenly, when I was looking at my hand randomly!!!
  4. Yeah I do too, I use the touchpad rather than a mouse so maybe it is cos I have been using the touchpad too much recently...oh well, I am sure it will go soon!
  5. Nope it is definitely shaking! It is so weird, and annoying!
  6. It is so strange I have got the shakes in my right hand which is making typiing really hard but my left hand is fine!!! what is up with that?
  7. Hey! Have u guys noticed that it seems to be the same ppl popping in and out all day? (me included) Is it always like that?
  8. I know what you mean, I was meant to have an earlier night sleep last night. It got to 3am and I kept saying I am going to bed but didnt actually leave until 5am Time jus flies on mfc cos it is so addictive!!!
  9. ok,herbal tea will be fine thanks, I should cut down on my alcohol consumption anyway!!!
  10. Yes please, something alcoholic and strong!!!
  11. Hey everyone, Are you all having fun? Loving the candles by the way Clare! Feels so much cosier!
  12. Thanks, I am aiming for 1000 by the end of the week and I reckon i will make it!
  13. You dont know that. Come on, be positive!!!
  14. The best cure for a broken heart is a good dose of Mika's songs, they will cheer u up!
  15. You all just have to live in hope.I reckon he will at least do quite a few festival dates in the summer again and if there are some in England you guys are welcome to come stay with me for the concerts!
  16. We all do but he will back touring other places before u know it,jus think about the next tour!!!
  17. We seem to have very similar cures for MW (Mika withdrawal)
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