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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Awwww.....hun! It is ok, Listen to his songs and keep posting on here!!! xxx
  2. Yay, congratulations!!! I reached 500 last night!!!
  3. woo, you got 100% for from me to you as well! yay!
  4. which [[beatles]] song are you? You scored as a From Me To You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmfIuFWjrfs ur song is From Me To You. From Me To You 100% A Hard Day's Night 88% Can't Buy Me Love 88% I Want To Hold Your Hand 75% She Loves You 75% Yesterday 50% Help! 50% Please Please Me 50%
  5. hey I am back but only for a bit as I have to go look after my nephew and neices for a bit in about half an hour!!!
  6. Jus going to go have dinner back on later xxx
  7. Ircazo come back to us, but not as John Lennon!!!
  8. England IS expensive especially in London but its an ok country to live in! It has its advantages! (MIKA!!!)
  9. Dont worry i am short too, I am only 5ft 2 and I have probably stopped growing now!!!
  10. Ircazo I am stalking u til u come back to Clare's whorehouse!!!
  11. Ircazo...dont run away :shocked: dont leave me here!!!
  12. Yes u did! well u didnt say it but u implied it!
  13. Cos you didn't accept her compliment to u very well u said that u already know that u are a work of art!!! *comforts Ircazo* its ok I am here!!!
  14. I think PSHE stands for Personal, social and health education...why it does I have no idea!
  15. :roftl: sounds great! sorry I have a very dirty mind!!! I cant help it.
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