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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. me too, i would love see mika drunk, it wld be so funny! :naughty:
  2. Litter(sorry I am british so it is) Hunger or thirst?
  3. ??? u said u have a boyfriend though??? Naughty Ircazo
  4. SASJE! that is evil but a fantastic idea!!! :roftl:
  5. Lol, could be fun if ur single like me? but maybe not if they are drunk! I have experienced that at uni, never go with a drunk guy!!! :roftl:
  6. I got so drunk on tequila once, we even did it the proper way, salt, tequila and lemon. foul tasting but easily gets u drunk
  7. What uni are u at and what r u studying?
  8. Yeah...so do u have any speciality strong alcohol in Vienna that I should try?
  9. Lol, we will definitely have to go out in the evening if i come to Vienna, you sound so like me! *hands her a shot of sambucca*
  10. way too early for absinthe!!! how about sambucca?
  11. Lol,yeah I broke up 4 xmas on 14th dec, when did u, and also vanessa finish for xmas? and hi!!!
  12. i can imagine it wld be very hard to say no to Mika!
  13. Yeah I am good, I dont start back at uni again until Jan 28th!
  14. Cool, I could do with as much help as I can get from anyone to learn German! are u moving to germany then?
  15. Anything and everything!! Hey Vanessa How u?
  16. hee hee, yeah and I will bring my Mika flashy heart!!!
  17. ok....I have no idea what u just said so yeh u do i am good at english so anytime u need help...so what did u say jus then?
  18. I am sure i will, but dunno if u will recognise me I have only posted about 2 pics up on here as I am not very photogenic!
  19. No probs, I suppose the best thing to do is avoid rich and salty foods and if u dont feel better in the next few days go to the doctor for advice!
  20. Sounds good to me,never tried it but willing to try new things!! Thanks! x
  21. Awww..thats sweet! I really hope I can go to Vienna this summer, I really wanna get away from England and explore for a bit! will u teach me some German, in exchange for me helping u with ur english?
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