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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Are you making sure you have plenty of things like protein, some carbohydrates and plenty of water??? It may jus be your body de-toxing, did u used to eat junk food all the time or has ur diet been ok in the past?
  2. Not really keen on mint tea, have u got anything else?
  3. well, i am happy to help u with your english if u need it!
  4. Yay, I love mikafying , and I am seriously considering it especially if i find somewhere to stay and if I go to Czech before hand I almost definitely will!
  5. Thats ok I am 19 and will have my passport with me so wont be a problem! You will have to show me what Vienna night life is like definitely? I really hope I do come to Vienna now it sounds like I have two great guides for company!!!
  6. That all sounds really good, I have never been to an opera but I love stuff to do with the arts and when is this music festival on? Plus, out of interest what is the legal drinking age over there?
  7. Hi Sasje 14 hours is a lot I was quite naughty last night, I went to bed at 5am this morning and qork up at 12pm so I got 7 hours sleep! But mfc is to blame!!!
  8. Definitely watching dvds Romantic comedy films or horrors?
  9. ok, what is it like in Vienna in the summer? in England we have very unpredicatable weather, one day it is hot and sunny and the next it is pouring with rain!!! Also, what would you reccomend that I do whilst in Vienna?
  10. Unofficial was including deleted posts and official will include only posts that still exist!!
  11. Ircazo, can I start asking u loads of questions about Vienna and stuff then?
  12. Hey, btw it was the unofficial millionth post we have still got the official one to go!!!
  13. It is types of very nice ice cream!!! Jam Love or wealth?
  14. I think this thread is a great idea. My motivation is the summer as I want to be able to wear a tankini and look good (not brave enough to wear a bikini)! I lost a lot of weight two years ago but I lost it in the wrong way and too quickly(as in 2 stone in 6 weeks) so when I started eating properly again I put it all back on and some extra so this time I am determined to lose it the right way. I know it is going to be hard but I am up for the challenge and really want to go down a few dress sizes so I can fit into my smaller clothes!!! If anyone any motivation or advice then i am around jus about every day and when everyone was telling me how I should be eatin a few years back I gained a lot of information about nutrition and exercise so do not hesitate to ask me anything!
  15. I so agree, they are so gorgeous! btw, I love your siggie Romis, it is so cool!
  16. Oooo that is probably one of the best motivations to have. Have u got a pic of your wedding dress? Have u set a date for the big day yet?
  17. wow.. you are both really good at writing poetry, I may put some of mine up later but first need to find some and also find some of my stuff which is some of my better ones which still dont match up with either of your pieces!!!
  18. wow,that is really good! I write poetry as well but not half as good as that!!! Wow!!!
  19. Anyway, I better go to sleep as it is quarter to five in the morning but will speak to u all tomoz!!! Night guys xxx
  20. I wanna be a VIP at a Mika gig!!! *goes off into her own little dream world*
  21. That is such a cool idea!!! I love it! if u do we must see photos of u all dressed up!!!
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