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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. I should be asleep now as it is 3am but oh well. Here is mine... 1. Deleted a post out of fear of embarrassment? nope, not yet!!! 2. Double-posted something that was already reported? yeah only once 3. Started a conversational thread (like countries, or something like "The _____ Thread?" nope 4. Started a controversial thread? nope 5. Challenged an unspoken rule of the MFC, and embarrassed yourself for it?no but probably one day!!! 6. Spent your entire day on the MFC? Yes, usually when I am at uni and meant to be at lectures or doing work!!! 7. Gone a day without the MFC since you got started? once, but that was only because my internet went down for a day...that was an awful day!!! (although I joined in July I did not start posting til November so I am counting from then, as I had a lot of things going on in life that took up all my time!) 8. Been suspended or gotten into trouble with the mods? Not mods, but a certain thread on mfc which me and some friends twisted slightly by being a bit too innuendoey (i know that isnt a word) 9. Started a project? nope but definitely one day! 10. Made a signature for another member? no have only made for myself which isnt very good! So there is mine!!! I suppose I better go to bed now! Night x
  2. Lol, I know what u mean! If my parents knew how long i spent on this site at uni they wld probably do that! But, once you have Mikamania syndrome it is very hard to lose it and also, why would u want to lose it? It doesnt affect your health and if anything makes things better especially when u have a certain singers concerts coming up in Feb!! It makes life so much more bearable!!!
  3. Hey welcome to the mfc thanks for the reminder of the voting! Enjoy the craziness of the mfc!
  4. ooo...a password! does each gig venue have a password then? *rings all her contacts to find out the password for London* once again,yes I am mad but hey!
  5. OMG...that is so funny :roftl: I love it! where did u find it?
  6. Good luck! I know how stressful it is I had so so many deadlines that were due in before xmas, and had many late nights to finish on time! But, jus think how relieved u will feel when its all finished and u walk out of ur last final! So once again, good luck with the exams, although I am sure u dont need it!!
  7. Actually, yes after readin your post it is true, even to the points like had never shared a room with a stranger which I will be doing in Feb! and I used to write a lot of quite depressing poetry! It is freakily similar as u put down things that are also the same which I jus didnt mention on mine!!! wow, thats quite cool! And thanks, here is to reaching 1000 before the end of next week,hopefully!
  8. exactly,when it comes to Mika and his hair it is perfection, no other word for it!!!
  9. I really like the current mfc header with Mika in the ringmaste outfit, I love that pic!
  10. Hey I have jus joined but I wanna lose about 3 stone this year and I am also in training for the 5km race for life which is a sponsored run for Cancer research. It is really personal to me cos my great aunt, uncle and a close family friend died from cancer last year and I also lost my granma to cancer! But I want to beat my time from last year which was 50 mins and I am so out of shape at the mo (not to mention overweight) so am going to try and eat healthily and run outside! I think this thread is a great idea as it will be motivation for us all!!! Liz x x x
  11. Yeah actually that is a better word, ok I would be VERY dedicated!!
  12. I have read those books, they are so funny! Georgia Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom?
  13. I love these pics, he looks so good! Thanks for these!!!
  14. Before: - Bored and sick of life -Seemed like I had a bleak and boring few years ahead of me - was getting sick and tired of all the stupid music being released these days!! - felt lonely -didnt belong anywhere After: - I am a lot more positive about life in general - I am always on MFC and feel I really belong here - Found recent music which I LOVE (Mika!) - Have a fantasic 2008 ahead of me - have done many things (like go to London on my own for a mika gig) which I would not have done before! - I feel a lot more confident in myself -Made loads of friends of which many I will be meeting in Feb - Have made one great friend in particular who i will hopefully be meeting up with in summer as well as at the gigs in Feb! - Have a better awareness of life and feel like I am really living life now! So, in general, finding out about MFC and Mika was one of the highlights of 2008 and I am a much better person who is happier and more content in life! So thanks to mfc and Mika for making me see things in a better light!!! Liz x x x p.s This is my 500th post, woo!!!
  15. Yeah, I heard about her a few weeks ago on tv and radio and I love her song 'chasing pavements. Different critics have said that she is going to be a name to watch out for in 2008 as she is going to be BIG!! I think that is so cool as I like her music and the video is cool as well!
  16. awww. Phunkygal you cannot give up! You must fight the fight! I hope your parents eventually see that mfc is great and that it has a positive influence on a lot of ppl. I have made so many good mates on here and this place always cheers me up! I hope your parents eventually see your side! We will miss u, come back soon ok?
  17. Good looks(but I do love that word...richosity!!!) Handbags or gladrags?
  18. Lol, that is such a good idea, when are u thinking of giving him the picture?
  19. Gone in for the comp to win the tickets, I so hope I win!! even though that wld make 4 mika gigs within 2 months!!! That wld be obsessive!!!
  20. Exactly, I tried that once but forgot the water part so I got lost in the tower!!! :roftl: Yes, I am mad and random!!
  21. Hip hop cos I like the dancing (watch save the last dance!) Spring or Autumn?
  22. oh god neither...but if i had to choose it wld be Paris Hilton New York or Paris?
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