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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. the most exciting city that I have visited would have to be either Paris or New York! Cant decide between the two as they are both amazing!
  2. Oooo..bring it on Barunka. pokrevný klobása milenic! London...here we come!!!
  3. Barunka miluje trochu ze pokrevný klobása!!!
  4. Barunka láskou roztoužený jeden Germán dělat si dobrý den z někoho kdo zpíva do jeden banda!!!
  5. taky anglicky a chodi jsem, je pravda Barunka a nebo co ano!!!
  6. Hey Zoe welcome to the madness that is mfc Have fun!!!
  7. Hey welcome to the mfc I warn u it can get very very addictive!! But it is good fun and better than many addictions around! xxx
  8. hey welcome to the madness and randomness that is the mfc!! Have fun! xxx
  9. *walks into thread* Hey everyone, How are you all? soz very new tp thread so thought I would start a conversation going!
  10. Hey The first time I had heard Mika was in the car on the radio, and then when I got home and found out the name of the singer I searched on youtube and found the Grace Kelly video and his performance on Later with Jools Holland and Ronnie's showcase of Mika singing Relax but from the very first time of hearing Mika I was hooked!
  11. Awww..thanks Aaurora, i have already started posting some blogs so u should all come and have a look and tell me what you think! I would love some feedback!
  12. The new chart show is now on radio 1 so will let u know the updated positions!
  13. Exactly, it is your money and you can spend it however you want, but I reckon I would get that comment several times if i told them it is 3 gigs of his i am going to and am stayin in London the whole time! But hey...he is worth it and who knows when he will tour in the UK next???
  14. Welcome to the MFC have fun!!!
  15. You are only 16 though, it isn't that big a deal that u have not found anyone, so do not worry! After school will be completely different and u jus have to stay positive and NOT GIVE UP!!!
  16. I didnt get my first relationship til 16, and that was a complete mess of a relationship!! hated it! But, your time will come(god that sounds so cheesy) but I am one of these sappy ppl who believe there is someone out there for everyone it is jus a case of going out there and looking for them and finding the one!
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