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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. I know what you mean, having a relationship for 2 and a half years then suddenly being single, it isnt the worse thing in the world and I suppose it does have its advantages but still it is nice to have someone!
  2. Congrats Sparkly and I thought u deserved a bit of encouragement for your commitment on getting to 2000 tonight! Well done! Night night xx
  3. Awww..thanks and the red eye is because I have quite blue eyes so in mearly every pic I have red eye cos of the flash! But thanks to u both u are both very sweet (and very pretty as well!)
  4. Cool!! I am so excited and I cant believe u r coming, it is gonna be so good!
  5. sorry jus realised i started talking about politics but jus saying my view in as brief and non insulting as possible!
  6. Yeah, I have been there quite a lot and dont worry I dont like the politics over there, I think it is something which wil die out with the generation the troubles existed in! But Londonderry is a really nice place!
  7. I was wondering if u were gonna bring it up? ok, but jus dont laugh, it was taken about 3 weeks ago at the uni xmas ball and was slightly tipsy then( I ended up way too drunk by the end of the night!!!)....
  8. He will... and hey if he is going to be in London.... more love!!! I bet he has noticed but jus doesnt know how u feel about him or is a bit shy!
  9. Yeah ok deal! That sounds like a plan, btw where are u staying in London?
  10. Thanks that would be wise! But let me get drunk once! it is actually quite funny!
  11. Nope, my mum is from London and my dad is from Derry, Northern Ireland!
  12. Come on, drunk ppl can talk and dont worry i dont think I will get drunk every night we are there cos I have been getting drunk way too much lately! I got drunk last night...very drunk!
  13. Cool, I am just half English and half Irish, My dad is from Northern Ireland!
  14. awww...poor little sober friend only joking,I am quite funny drunk! Out of interest how old are u Rebeka? Also, he may drink on 26th as he has a day off the next day hee hee drunken Mika!!
  15. Woo, not many more to go!!! Go Sparkly!
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