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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Thanks Ceci! It looks like a good site and I can help with English, I know some spanish so I can understand quite a bit of the site, I surprised myself at how much I could read!
  2. I would love to join that, it sounds really good. Yes please! I did message him once on My space asking if I could interview him even through email but obviously didnt reply, have also messaged Luke as well! But that was only a few days ago so we will see! Liz x x x
  3. Lol, it did get very pervy last night! But it was funny! How pervy is it going to be tonight? or is it going to inkblots galore???
  4. I think we should organise an interview with them all. I would love to write an article on it, as I am studying journlism at uni! We could do features on Mika and the band!
  5. LOL, dont forget yesterday's conversation on shower heads!!! :roftl:
  6. Are you going to actually pierce ur lip yourself or get it done by someone else? also, good on you for doing it u must post a pic when it is pierced, and if u dont like it u can just let it heal over!
  7. I know what u mean, the questions about Grace Kelly and lollipop are getting way too repetitive, if they did some research before interviewing him they wld see this and maybe ask him something different! Or maybe they do it to take the mick!
  8. Waffles...mmmmm Half empty or half full?
  9. Good evening, How is everyone tonight? how was your day? Liz x x x
  10. I know, it is so weird, but now u mention it I do see Mika's hair in it as well, but still the bionic teddy
  11. Yeah I am good thanks. SO what is everyone up to for new year?
  12. I see a bionic teddy, a bit strange I know!
  13. Good evening, how is everyone? xxx
  14. Hey everyone, Does anyone know who is supporting mika at the London gigs cos I assumed it would be palladium but I looked last night and there are no mentions about any of the dates on their schedule??? Also, I will hopefully be queueing around lunch time, do u think I will still get a decent place? Liz x
  15. awww...that is so sweet of him to take the time to send us that message! It proves he really appreciates us fans.
  16. Thanks for posting this. Mika you are so right, why not make mistakes? we are merely human, everyone makes mistakes, so what? jus don't go too far!!! Liz x x x
  17. lol...ok Barunka anyway it is only healthy to have a bit of a dirty mind! or in some cases more than a bit of a dirty mind...
  18. lol....yeah or the only perv here has no perv to be perverted with..and I am not talking about me
  19. In that case... I see your point!! Night xxx
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