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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. wow, 830!!! that is early, I really wanna be at the front though. I may start queueing in the morning but not sure what times, need to speak to Barunka as we cannot start queueing on 26th until about 3 as she is arriving in england in afternoon! What wld u reccomend the latest to queue if we wanna get a decent place?
  2. yeah i was thinking about that cos I would really like to meet him but as time goes on and Mika becomes bigger it will be harder to meet him so I jus hope I can in Feb! Do you reckon MFC will get the status of official Mika fan club, I really hope so!
  3. I know what u mean I have listened to that song so so many times, especially when it first came out, also I loved the video and his expressions, and well...the whole of Mika in it! That song drew me in so much and I dont knwo what it is about it, I think it is jus very catchy and very addictive (although this is the same for the whole of Mika and his music). Liz x xx
  4. Dont worry,the first time I heard it was on the radio and I loved it but I didnt know who sang it so I looked online and searched Grace Kelly as that word stuck out in the song and surprise surprise it was the name of the song and I watched the vid on youtube and have been hooked on Mika ever since!!! Liz x x x
  5. Is that so u are guranteed a front row place? how early do u tend to go to queue? Liz x x x
  6. This will be my first festival and luckily there are a lot of bands I like who are performing, I am jus looking forward to the whole atmosphere of it all!! Liz x x x
  7. I can totally understand that, buying three concert tickets, train tickets and accomodation is not cheap and I am slowly becoming broke due to his royal curlyness but its all worth it!!!
  8. why will there be a problem with queueing? Liz x x x
  9. Thats true, but at least we have guranteed Mika gigs, and u never know which festivals he will go to this year, I am hoping on the Isle of Wight as that is one I have already booked to go to and Mika would make it perfect! Anyone going to any music festivals this year? I hear a festival called lowlands is good, I believe it is Amsterdam? I think!!! Liz x x x
  10. Cool, I dont think any of my friends are having parties this year otherwise that is where I would be, much cheaper than clubbing!
  11. No problems, anytime! If u need anymore help with things please dont hesitate to pm me! me and Barunka are staying there 26th, 27th, and 28th feb in case u r interested so if u stay there there wil be other mfcers in the building and we can go to the gigs and queue up together if u wanna? Liz x x x
  12. It seems this year has jus zoomed by, but at least we have got lots of Mika to look forward to in 2008! is anyone going out for new years eve? I think I am going clubbing with some friends!
  13. You could try phoning them up and talking to them, see if u can arrange something as it is still 2 months away! They might accept a bank transfer, or cheque or similar as we have so long til gigs!!! Liz x x x
  14. I'm Good thanks, how are you? did u have a good xmas?
  15. Have a look at ace hotel it is really good prices and seems really nice, are u going to be with anyone? cos they do good twin rooms which me and barunka have gone for, for the 3 nights and I am jus looking for a room for 25th Feb so if anyone wants to split the price of a twin room for that night, then please contact me! Here is the link for Ace hotel http://www.hostels.com/en/availability.php/HostelNumber.10044 Liz x x x
  16. Cool, are u staying London for those days then? where are u staying? me and Barunka found a really nice hostel about 20mins from Brixton but need to find somewhere to stay for the Hammersmith gig night but I dont wanna stay somewhere on my own!!
  17. Thanks I will get thinking of what I will add to the book!!
  18. Hi Never actually been on this thread before so thought I would pop in and say hi, I havent really met many mfcers on here and its nice to meet more, espesh as I wanna meet up with anyone who is going to the London gigs in Feb!!! How is everyone? Liz x x x
  19. Is it too late to sign up? If not count me in I would love to be a part of this project!
  20. I love this video, I love looking at videos made in tribute to an artist and this one works really well, the song was well chosen as it leaves you feeling all relaxed and happy and reflecting on Mika experiences. I love it! The footage was really good, I have seen some before but other I really wanna see now! Good job! Liz x x x
  21. Voted! But whats happened? Best track he is 2nd which is great, but for Best UK act he has 0.46% of the votes and for most fanciable male, he wasnt really ever winning but he now has 1.92%, he was never that bad! Come on guys we have to get him up again!!! (no innuendo or pun meant) Get him where he belongs, 1st for all three categories!! Liz x x x
  22. hey younglings, Anyone online today? Very bored and wondering if anyone wanted to chat? Liz x x x
  23. Yeah, I can fully understand that, if u arent a crazy Mika fan before u join u will soon become one as well as addicted to the site, I did and I became quiet crazy! But its fun and I wouldnt change a thing and I am so glad I found this site!! love to the mfc xxx
  24. I dont know if anyone has already posted a thread up about this but I thought I would start one as I couldnt see any! As it is only 6 days away until the new year I was jus wondering if anyone has any new years resolutions, or if anyone doesnt make any or if they break them the first week of the new year. I admit I am not always good at sticking to mine but this year I have a lot more determination. My new years reolutions are: 1. To have more confidence in myself 2. To make the most of what I have. 3. To lose weight and feel good about myself. 4. To train hard and take part in the 10km race for life this year (I ran in the 5km this year) 5. To succeed at university I know that is a lot of resolutions but I have quite high expectations of this year as it can be no worse than last year. But, also I want to start looking ahead and not living in the past which I have a tendency to do! So, anyone wanna share their resolutions? or views on resolutions?
  25. Mika is amazing live, his voice is even better than it is on the cd and the performance feels like one long carnival or party! I dont think anyone can truly describe it but feel that, that is the closest I can describe how amazing he is live! You will have the time of your life!!!
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