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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. hey, I will be on a bit later but I am jus going for a bath but feel free to leave me lovely messages anyway, speak to u guys soon! please stay online! Liz x
  2. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a
  3. nope, because I live in the UK and cannot watch it either,I think it is America only!
  4. For you...£20 (maybe £15) I really hope u do consider it, it would be so cool to meet u and I am happy to help find some accomodation, they do some good offers in London especially for twin rooms or hostels! It is the one at Brixton Academy which is meant to be a really good venue! and I received those tickets today and they are in my room so no worries about getting the ticket, anything I can help with or any questions I am happy to help!
  5. At uni I am an hour away fro London by train which is good. When I go to the gig I will be staying probably at a hostel for two nights or more so if u wanted to we cld stay in one together, also if u wanted to we cld queue together would be great to have company, I jus so happen to have a ticket spare for the 26th Feb if u fancy it? I am staying in London minimum of 2 nights so think about it!
  6. Cool, I have never been to Norway but would like to go one day, so r u going to any of his gigs in Feb? U may have told me already but have forgotten sorry a lot has been happenig recently! Same question to u Barunka!
  7. Thanks for the link, it seems to be hand football but it looks really interesting, we dont have anything like that in England but we have netball and basketball but handball sounds like fun!
  8. Sounds like a good idea, yeah me and some flat mates are thinking that instead of pressies we might go to London and watch a show or something!
  9. awww...dont worry I have only one pressie from one of my flat mates as we are all swapping pressies after xmas due to money which we all have a lack of! Do u mean u have received no pressies or u havent bought any?
  10. ummm....I think so do u mean netball, where u throw the ball to one of your team members and have a net in the shape of a cone without the point to aim it into???
  11. If you can get to London on 26th Feb u r very welcome to it femifrosk. congrats at winning handball, is that basically volleyball- where u hit the ball over a net with your hands???
  12. I may be in and out a bit but yeah I will stay on tonight Barunka, we will have a good chat. So u finishing for xmas soon? I finished on Friday, finally!
  13. what today? or yesterday? I havent been up to much all day, watching the music channels, all the xmas songs, online and sorting out some stuff! What u been up to? I am back from uni and I am so happy to be home! Got some of my tickets for Mika today as well, woo! Still have one ticket spare for 26th feb gig, the person that said she was getting back to me isnt yet!
  14. hey people, How was everyone's day? Liz x x x
  15. *pops in to see if anyone is here* Hello???
  16. that sounds like a really nice place, i may stay there for a few nights as well,have u got a link for a website. That is really cheap as well especially for London!
  17. Hi, I'm good, how u? How was your day? Liz x
  18. I hated school, too but jus got through without quitting, its worth it in the end, unless your Mika!!!
  19. Hey, I am good thanks. I have now finished uni for xmas, woo!!! I am going home tomorrow so I am going out tonight and having fun (maybe whilst having a few drinks, ) What is everyone else up to tonight? Liz x
  20. i guess that means i didnt get any oh well..maybe next time! have fun those of u who are going?
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