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Everything posted by liliana

  1. Acho que por hoje também já chega de computador! Até amanhã!
  2. Eso es una novedad para mí! Aquí puede ser cómo has dicho (“love handles”) o carne para comer.
  3. Well it’s true! And my English isn’t perfect (sometimes I really have difficulties to understand things, especially when they are very specific:blink:)! Your camera started to make a noise after your horse has tried to eat your camera? Oh I forgot… they like to eat jackets and hair! Sometimes it’s better to buy a new camera than try to fix it! It could be more expensive… I don’t know!
  4. I don’t understand anything about horses! :blush-anim-cl:I think they are very beautiful but I don’t know what it’s normal or not to do! I went to a riding school to make a documentary project about that place, and I saw the blanket story there! (And one of the horses tried to eat my camera) Well it’s more difficult indeed… but you could try to put a tripod there (without moving it) and in every time you decide to photograph it’s easier!
  5. Olá Mary Marianne, Marylou! Olá Willy! Como vai a sua fábrica de chocolate! Sí… cayó hielo! Se quedó todo blanco! Hasta pronto!
  6. You have great photos! I just want to comment these because you posted too much and these are my favorites! You could do something funny… try to put your camera in your window without move it in the next few days, and try to photograph in different times of the day and weather! The final result is going to be similar to what you shown here, but without moving your camera you’re going to have more impact and strong images! I don’t know if I’m making any sense! But it is just a suggestion! So cute!
  7. Yes I understand! Poor horses! I just asked that, because I saw one time horses with blankets for sleeping! It’s a special blanket, but I know the main reason for that is to protect from the cold!
  8. Hola! Sí, claro que sabemos quién eres! Está todo bien? Aquí hace mucho frío y en algunos sitios también hay nieve! Hoy ha caído hielo aquí!
  9. Foram duas horinhas de alegria! E de sofrimento para o meu portátil que ia voar e cair no meio do chão!
  10. Tenemos que aprovechar y mejorar nuestro español!:roftl: :roftl: La palabra "chicha" tiene algún significado en español?
  11. Olá! Não podes ir ao msn num instante? Quero-te mostrar umas fotos! O chão todo branquinho... era granizo mas é bonito na mesma!
  12. Eu vou andando que tenho que acabar um trabalho e dormir! Até amanhã!
  13. Eu acho que nunca ouvi Finlandês na vida! Italiano até se vai percebendo... mas gostava de aprender mais! E língua gestual já soube pelo menos dizer o meu nome!
  14. Tu andas com a mania que és poliglota! E que percebes todos os dialectos! Falas Mirandês também?
  15. Hola neeve! Espero que todo vaya bien y que mejores de tus dolores de cabeza! Besos!
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