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Everything posted by liliana

  1. Yes I understand, because in Brixton's after party I saw the result of letting enter more than 100 people (I guess) to a small place with Mika inside!
  2. Owww… Thank you! Yes, I went to the Brixton’s gigs in February with my boyfriend! I know what you mean with the disadvantages of having a respectful behavior… But I don’t like to be rude with anyone (except if people deserve it) neither bother anyone (like Mika’s family)! I got my chance to go to the after party without doing anything crazy, I just waited my time to receive that free bracelet that John was distributing. Because of my good behavior I didn’t have the possibility to ask if he liked a gift that I offered him in London, because people always scream and push other people when they are near him! It’s insane! In Madrid it was the same thing, but in a small scale! But this time I was lucky to find him when I was leaving the venue! So I think in that particularly time, it worth have a great behavior! Thank you for understanding me! My first thought was that the all story was an invention! The worst thing it was not having the possibility of explain myself! I know Freddie might thought that I only wanted to attack him like the other girls!
  3. Eu continuo com os trabalhos para fazer, mas vou-me divertindo! Bom ano para ti! Boas entradas! Eu também sou má e também não bebo! Bom anoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  4. I don’t know how people meet him! I was extremely lucky, I guess! :roftl:

    I was leaving to my hotel and I saw him inside a car, I think he was leaving too… I saw him and I tried to spoke with him! He was very nice to me!:wub2:

  5. I don’t know why you are confused, and you don’t need to explain everything all over again! I understand very clearly what happened that day, but like I said, I didn’t said anything before, but someone just started this again and I thought it would be time for me to talk and end up with that stupid moment. Am I clear now? Freddie you didn’t answered me… Did you remember if there was a Portuguese girl on the list or not? This is an important thing for me, because I need do check the veracity of what that girl told me! She even told me that she talked to you asking if you could put my name on the list too! As you can see it’s important for me to know the truth! I understand perfectly… I was there and I saw everything! People acted like crazy ones, and you might believe me or not, but I was looking at that thing and I was in shock, because I never saw nothing like that! I tried to speak with Freddie and whit the body guards too, but I wasn’t success like other people… And what mad me decide to write about this was this message… About this message I can assumed that she didn’t know him “That guy, Freddie I think”, and even like that she entered with the people whose name was on the list… “so after some begging, he let me in”. But well… it was the first time, right? The next time I’m sure everything will be better!
  6. Pois ele deve estar de férias! Eu tou bem... embora tenha estado a fazer um trabalho para a faculdade!
  7. This is a subject that I never talked so much about! I just started to post after Lisbon’s gig (10th July) and I was (and I’m actually) a little bit shy, especially to give my opinion in “polemic” subjects. I didn’t had the opportunity to get in to the backstage because I wasn’t on the list, and I get really sad to see that some people who weren’t in the list had that opportunity. I felt like those people were more than me, had more importance than me and I think it’s not fair. I know that was a big confusing moment, people pushing and screaming and I know Freddie had a hard job trying to count people and control that crazy moment. And by the way… Freddie, I want to ask you… Who were the people that were on the list? I’m asking this because a Portuguese girl with the nickname “jujuzita” said that she was on the list, and then she didn’t went to Madrid and I thought because of that I could went in her place. I was next to you in the concert (front row, left), I thought that would be better to ask you about that situation before the gig, but my spoken English is a mess and I’m shy… After the show I just tried to ask you if I could fill in her place and you just said “No”, even before I could explain myself. I’m not trying to accuse anyone; this is just a “thing” that I never understood very well, why I’m different of the other people?! I hadn’t the opportunity to say anything and other people entered to the backstage without saying a word!
  8. Hi!

    I took this photo on Madrid! I had that great opportunity after the gig! ;)

  9. Porqué te aburren? :blink:Todo que sea fiesta a mí me gusta! Lisboa sólo fue dos días! Ahora estoy en Algarve y está lloviendo, pero no está muy frio! Voy a Ayamonte o Huelva el próximo Viernes!
  10. O nosso fórum tá tão mortinho! De caminho vou rumar ao Algarve! Mas penso que ainda vou conseguir vir aqui!
  11. Sem ser isso também tou bem! Bem, tenho que largar o pc por um bocado e ler umas coisinhas! :rolls_eyes: Até já
  12. Olaaaaaaaaaaaa! Tas boa? Eu tenho trabalhos da faculdade para fazer!
  13. Hola! Bienvenida aquí en MFC! Espero que te diviertas mucho!
  14. Hoy está un tiempo muy feo, con lluvia y frio. Mi Navidad fue estupenda, he comido mucho, me he reído mucho con mi familia y he tenido muchos regalos! Ahora estoy haciendo las maletas para ir a Lisboa y después para Algarve.
  15. Hoje ainda não veio cá ninguém! Eu estou a fazer malas para rumar a Lisboa! Até logo ou amanhã!
  16. Bem eu vou dormir! Estou mais para lá do que para cá! Até amanhã!
  17. Tive para ver, mas não sei porquê na altura não vi!
  18. Esse não vi! Tenho que ver! Eu gosto dele por ele ser estranho... cansa-me um bocado aquelas estrelas de Hollywood que fazem um filme porque têm uma carinha engraçada e são logo chamados de ACTORES.
  19. Eu não morro de amores por ele ser bonito ou isso, é mesmo porque o acho excelente actor, capaz de encarnar qualquer papel, por mais parvo que seja, daqueles que ninguém quer aceitar! O meu filme preferido de sempre e de todos é o Eduardo Mãos Tesoura!
  20. Basicamente muitos em que entra o Jonhy Depp! Aí tens! Ano Título Títulos em português 1982 Hansel and Gretel (TV) Hansel e Gretel (Portugal) 1982 Vincent Vincent (Portugal) 1984 Frankenweenie Frankenweenie (Brasil/Portugal) 1985 Pee-wee's Big Adventure As Grandes Aventuras de Pee-wee (Brasil) A Grande Aventura de Pee-wee (Portugal) 1986 Faerie Tale Theatre: Alladin and His Wonderful Lamp (TV) Alladin e a Lâmpada Maravilhosa(Brasil)) Aladino e a lâmpada mágica (Portugal) 1986 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Jar (TV) The Jar (Portugal) 1988 Beetlejuice Os Fantasmas Se Divertem (Brasil) Os Fantasmas Divertem-se (Portugal) 1989 Batman Batman (Brasil, Portugal) 1990 Edward Scissorhands Edward Mãos-de-Tesoura (Brasil) Eduardo Mãos-de-Tesoura (Portugal) 1992 Batman Returns Batman o Retorno (Brasil) Batman Regressa (Portugal) 1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas O Estranho Mundo de Jack (Brasil, Portugal) 1994 Ed Wood Ed Wood (Brasil, Portugal) 1994 Cabin Boy Um Gaiato no Navio (Brasil) Marujo à Força/Todos a Bordo (Portugal) 1996 Mars Attacks! Marte Ataca! (Brasil, Portugal) 1996 James and the Giant Peach James e o Pêssego Gigante (Brasil, Portugal) 1999 Sleepy Hollow A Lenda do Cavaleiro Sem Cabeça (Brasil, Portugal) 2001 Planet of the Apes Planeta dos Macacos (Brasil, Portugal) 2003 Big Fish Peixe Grande e Suas Histórias Maravilhosas (Brasil, Portugal) 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory A Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolate (Brasil) Charlie e a Fábrica de Chocolate (Portugal) 2006 Corpse Bride A Noiva-Cadáver (Brasil, Portugal) 2007 Sweeney Todd "Sweeney Todd" (Brasil, Portugal) 2008 Believe It or Not (o roteiro está sendo reescrito para se adequar aos custos da Paramount (150 milhões)) — 2009 Alice in wonderland Alice no país das maravilhas (Brasil)
  21. Eu não sei! Mas eu adoro... acho-o um génio! Mas acho que até tem a ver com ele... todo aquele mundo de cor e loucura!
  22. Carla tu gostas dos filmes do Tim Burton? Ou só gostas mesmo do Willy Wonka?
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