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Everything posted by liliana

  1. It depends… There are homework that is fun and constructive… but there are others that are just boring!
  2. Yes I agree! Like when Mika asked people to sing... for example in "Any Other World", he seemed a little bit “desperate”, I think he didn’t heard people as well… maybe it will be an effect of post-production and bad capture of the sound in the moment!
  3. It’s not “hearing the crowd noise”, but hearing the crowd singing, not screams and hysterical things! I prefer a great voice and music than a noisy crowd, but in this case a little bit more of sound of the people, (in my opinion) it would be much better!
  4. I completely forgot… thanks for the videos Sariflor!
  5. Unfortunately, I didn’t went to that show, but since the moment I started to see the DVD I found that some things were strange, because we can see people jumping and clapping, but we didn’t hear people singing. How a crowd could be so silent and clapping and jumping at the same time?? Impossible… and I know the French people love him so much, and there were 55 000 people to see him, so I thought the “silent crowd” would be a not-so-good effect. The people who went there knows that… they know people supported him so much and were very excited with him, but for those who just had the possibility to see the concert now (like me)… you could get the wrong idea!
  6. I saw the DVD in the next day it was released, and I knew people would be very excited, so I decided to wait to post my review! Probably I’m going to say things that other Mfc’ers said! I prefer this DVD instead of his first for a few reasons; first I think he is so happy in the images and the gig went so well, that we can’t ignore his happy faces and expressions, is so lovely to see, that we almost feel happy just to see his happiness (sorry if I’m being confusing:blush-anim-cl:)! The second reason is all the set design, and all the details… he is definitely brilliant, is creativity never stops and he is very professional! So colorful, so many lights, everything was perfect visually, and I have to say that I’m not a huge fan of circus theme, (and I don’t like clowns)! And the third reason is the documentary… it is great to see how he worked, and how he gave so much of him to that show! The concert in generally was very good (in my opinion, of course), I don’t say it was perfect because the set list was almost the same than the other DVD, I know that he hadn’t more songs to add, so maybe it would be better if he waited till the release of the new CD! Of course I liked to see the DVD and (once again) I think it’s amazing, but I’m saying this because he will not release a new DVD so soon (I guess), so we will have to wait to have his new songs in a DVD a little bit more! This is just my theory, I hope you understand me! I think the crowd was not very “expressive” (I don’t know if this is the word I want to use:blink:)! We didn’t hear them very clear, I don’t know if this is an effect of post-production, or if was the crowd that wasn’t singing the songs with him. Sorry if I wrote some mistakes, I'm not used to write so much in English! I agree!
  7. Love so much this photo! I like the idea! Great job and great colors!
  8. Digital photography is terrible! Because when you photographed with film you only shot what you really think it's necessary, and you worked hard to the photo look better in the first shots, but know, because of the facility of seeing images, you don't think so much on what you’re doing, and took so many photos! Just my opinion, of course, so it's normal that you only liked 3 photos! I'm saying this, but I'm exactly like you!
  9. Gracias! Yo estoy bien también! Me gusta la lengua española y como ya no tengo clases de español he decidido pasar por aquí.
  10. You're great to create new names!
  11. Yes! I love holidays at Monday and Saturday! Well I'm going to bed now! Goodnight!
  12. Yes, there is a Canon 40D! Why you think your bird photos are disappointing? I like them!
  13. I need free Saturdays in my life! Mika is better than medicines.
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