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Everything posted by liliana

  1. It’s snowing in Portugal too, but not in my town! I only see rain and wind! It’s a terrible cold weather here!
  2. Thanks! I love comedy series! I'm going to sleep now! Bye bye!
  3. Yeah... it's too late for me! And it's so cold now, that when I leave my school to go home I freeze! This schedule is because of people who work at day and have to study at night! But I think that all the Post graduation in Portugal has this stupid schedule.
  4. (I worked very hard on that draw! ) Lovely draw!
  5. We have so many accents! Even in Portugal we have so many different accents, that sometimes I don't understand some words, like the accent of people who lives in Madeira (land of the greatest Cristiano Ronaldo)! My favorite accent is the British! I don't know why, and sometimes I have some difficulties to understand people whit a strong British accent, but I love it!
  6. But what is the motive for people to celebrate?
  7. Could anyone explain to me, what Thanksgiving is?
  8. Thanks! It was my first time with ArtRage!
  9. I would love to go to Italy! :wub2:But I hope he’ll come to Portugal too! We only had him here once!
  10. I had seen squirrels in Portugal, but I never saw one like I saw in London. He looked like a dog, because he didn’t felt fear of people, by the way he came near me and tried to smell my hand because he was looking for food, but I was afraid that he only wanted to bite me!
  11. I think I never been on East London! I just know a few places in center. But when I went there I decided to not take my SLR camera too, but just because I didn’t knew how was the “ambient” there.
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