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Everything posted by liliana

  1. My pig bank is been feeding since I discovered Mika! But I think it’s time to give him more “food”.
  2. I’m making some “plans” in my head, despite not knowing in which countries he will act.
  3. Great news! I’m so happy! I hope that acoustic tour includes Portugal or Spain!
  4. Great pics! My favourite is the last one... I love the reflection! It's an adventure photographing on street, isn't it?
  5. The truth is to be said. You’re welcome!
  6. This photo represents the autumn! Great photo! Well conceived. I like the little drops and the contrast of colors. The photo that I showed to you, was taken at an hostel (I’m almost 99% sure), so this is the view that you have when you stay lodged there! It has a great view at night too.
  7. The beauty is relative! I really love Mika but I don't have to love his feet! I don't like man's feet in generally, and I think Mika's feet are not very beautiful. But this don't mean that I'm a bigger fan or less fan because of that.
  8. I love artrage too! And it's easier to explore if you have a pen tablet! I drew my autograph for Yearbook with artrage (and flash too).
  9. No silly! I think the same! I know the picture you wanted to put in your desktop isn't mine, but I just want to tell you, that you had a great "behaviour", because you decided to ask before using. In nowadays, people don't have respect for the photos on internet, but you showed that you have respect for other's people work. Great macro photos! On the first one I love the composition! Great choice! The second photo is my favourite... I love the colour and the light, and the background without focus. The last one is interesting, but I think it has too much light on the left side. (just my opinion)
  10. Great photos! I have to say that the bridge in your last photo is very similar to one the exist in Portugal! (I found this on google, I don't know who is the author! http://lua.weblog.com.pt/Ponte%2025%20Abril%203.jpg)
  11. When they are babies, they have three times more the size of a rat! But they grow up very quickly! A good monitor is too expensive (at least for me)! I hope you get one soon, or otherwise you will have blue photos in the next days!
  12. I'll show you a photo from my dog next to my guinea pig, and now you can make a comparison the size of a guinea pig! My dog is just a little bit bigger than a "normal" cat! The problem with the all monitors is what you just said! Specially when you want to print something and you go to a store to do that, and the final work is with a very diferent colour! The solution is to buy something to calibrate your monitor, at least you can see correctly all the corrections you might do!
  13. A guinea pig is a little bit big for being eaten by a cat (I think)! My dog has afraid of him! By the way, your photo is better like this, at least I like it with more contrast! Nice work!
  14. I really have to comment these two photos! The first one, I have to say that my favourite detail is the colour of the sky, but in general the entire photo has strong colours. The second photo, look like an image from a dream! I really like the photo, but maybe you could try give a little bit more of contrast on photoshop! But this is just my opinion! This is a photo from my guinea pig! He has the same colour than my dog! (I don't have a better photo from my guinea pig in my computer right now!Sorry!)
  15. It's true! When he is at the sun, his fur seems to be red!
  16. He is a mix! His vet said that he is half Pinscher! I bought him to a person on street, and he was desperate to sell all the dogs because he didn't had space at home! So I fell in love and I bought him.
  17. Like I said...crazy dogs! Fortunately my dog stopped eating our things! Here's my "killer"!
  18. My aunt offered his first pair of socks, and then he stopped "killing" mine (and my bras too). Now, he has his own pair of socks (one inside the other, to look like a ball), and he runs very happy with is customized toy!
  19. LOOOOL Why I didn't thought about this trick! You're smart!
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