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Everything posted by liliana

  1. Hola! Virus? Es alguna cosa grave? Estoy muy feliz... Lisboa, Barcelona, Madrid Me gustaría de ir a los tres, vamos a ver!
  2. I don't like that venue...and probably you know why! And I guess it's a very big venue for a Mika's concert.
  3. Es verdad! He decidido distanciarme un poco de MFC, yo perdia muchas horas aquí! Esta todo bien y con tú? Me he quedado mucho feliz con tantas datas!
  4. I would love to go to Barcelona and Madrid! The flights are really cheap right now! My only surprise is about Lisbon... in the newsletter I received today they changed the concert's place!
  5. Despues de tanto tiempo aquí estoy! Los portugueses y los españoles tuvieran buenas noticias hoy! Como están todas?
  6. I have the same problem! I'm going to have some classes, my final project and probably some other stuff to do. It is really difficult to plan this!
  7. To much excitement right now... need to breath!!! :shocked:
  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ele não deve vir em Fevereiro também, porque se não qual era a lógica de ele anunciar primeiro o outro? Mas por mim que venha todos os meses!
  9. Eu não sei quantos estão aqui, mas sei que já pus mais roupa na cama porque há uns dias atrás estava frio e agora vou morrer! Viste a entrevista do Mika sobre o restaurante de Santa Maria? Passou na sic generalista no cartaz cultural!
  10. He should be always in Portugal, well at least one day per week!
  11. Cherisse has some friends on Sintra too! Maybe they have common friends!
  12. Did they pay to you? Or you're just making publicity to the restaurant just for fun? LOL
  13. Então? Desapareceste do msn? :|

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