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Everything posted by liliana

  1. Thanks! It’s possible… I just remember before the gig having a conversation with an Italian man! The "Happy Ending" video is so beautiful! Thanks Sara!
  2. Some vids: (Stuck in the Middle) (Ring Ring) (Happy Ending) (Any Other World) (outside the venue) (I will post some photos tomorrow… now I’m going to sleep )
  3. Lovely pic! He was very nice… always smiling and making funny of everything! I would love that every venues have a guy like him! I remember someone screaming at the end of the show… and saying “hey Portuguese, I found my camera”, or something like that!
  4. There was a guy near me and he jumped to something that I can’t remember now... he had a perfect view to Mika… suddenly he screamed “Mika I love you”! I thought that it wasn’t a nice thing to do… not because he is a boy… but because he acted like a crazy and possessed person!
  5. I can’t believe it! One year since my first gig! I never wrote anything about this gig on MFC and never posted my pics or videos (maybe later)! I just remember that I got so surprised when I arrived at the venue… It was very soon and there were so many people waiting there for hours… but I stayed on the front row… I guess it was a miracle! I remember when I heard the first chord I started to cry of happiness! It was such a good feeling! I loved it and I will never forget that gig! I have to mention that before the gig I offered him a gift but I was so nervous that I didn’t say anything “intelligent” ! LOL Oh and I met a Portuguese Security guy that works on the venue! What a coincidence! I remember that hot chocolate… someone gave one to me… I accepted, but then I started to think… where this came from? I was afraid of drinking a hot chocolate from a strange person!
  6. Thank you! I don’t know if I'm mistaken but I think he was sick on that day, but he always smile to everyone! (I’m getting nostalgic) When his car appeared everyone started to push, but I was far of that confusion, because I was in the end of the “crowd”! (I got scared in the beginning… I didn’t knew people were so expressive)! Thank you!
  7. Por acaso até falamos de ti! Ainda bem que só contas na sexta porque eu tenho que ir agora também! Espero que te tenhas divertido! Até amanhã pessoal!
  8. Por acaso até falamos de ti! Ainda bem que só contas na sexta porque eu tenho que ir agora também! Espero que te tenhas divertido! Até amanhã pessoal!
  9. Guaches não é forte o suficiente... e não quero comprar nada... quero tentar fazer com o que tenho em casa! Mas eu sei que se usa muitas vezes corantes! LOOOOOOL Dava, dava! Ganhava o prémio de melhor explosão do ano praí... só que ficava sem casa! Usei tinta da primeira vez... mas tenho que experimentar novamente!
  10. Essa tua mensagem foi das melhores até hoje... :roftl: Imagino a Lota a lê-la... Primeiro perguntas por gajos jeitosos.... depois dizes "VAMOS" ter um bebé... ainda dás um susto à rapariga!
  11. Isso basta ele dizer olá que eu não lhe consigo dizer mais nada! Olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Como foi a viagem??? Conta tudoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! As fotos estão lindas... encontras logo nas primeiras páginas do thread dos Óscares!
  12. Hola! Sí tengo muchas cosas para hacer desde las últimas semanas… especialmente trabajos de la facultad! Cómo estás? Yo estoy bien… estoy intentando organizar mi vida!
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