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Everything posted by Mjappie

  1. Anyways, voted too... like 5 times. I don't hope Kanye will win, I think he has spoiled his chances now with acting so rude against that girl... Mika for the win!
  2. Haha, that must be awkward, seeing yourself on the screen But you guys DO make me jealous... gosh... If I even knew earlier about Mika @ LP before....
  3. Really? I'm glad for him he's English is somewhat better now! But I know how difficult it is to speak proper English... I've had to do this English exam... When I'm typing on this forum, it's much easier than speaking it. When making a mistake, we can simply delete it with backspace, but when saying it... Hey! Mika advert on NL 1
  4. Yeah, that's what I found annoying too... But that's something we can't stop. I know everybody around me hates the fact that I'm obsessed with the Mikster
  5. Haha, heb em net gezien! Oh, wat is Mika toch een schatje... Ook vond ik Rain prachtig gezongen, stond met tranen in mn ogen te luisteren. Ach, niet zo negatief... Je moet proberen positief te denken, als je dat uitstraalt, zullen mensen veel liever in je beurt willen zijn !. Tenminste, dat is mij altijd geleerd. En als het even niet lukt in de liefde, kun je je toch lekker focussen op school/werk? Dat is ook heel belangrijk natuurlijk. Je echte liefde kom je vanzelf wel tegen!
  6. Me isz a Harry Potter nurddss too . I don't really hate or love Twilight, I liked the movie but I'm not really excited about the upcoming movie... eh... I thought it's called New Moon.
  7. Yeah, I also thought Paul's English was better than this! Ah, whatever, it was great
  8. WOW, he performed Rain amazingly! Oh... this reminds me why I'm such a big fan!
  9. Oeh, guitar, sounds nice ^^ LUNCH?! Oh... I'm sorry . I totally forgot we all have different times! It's almost 9 P.M. here...
  10. How come? ... My feet are cold! Too lazy to put socks on
  11. Haha, yeah, that's very funny! Have you watched Snape's Diary? It's brilliant as well!
  12. I really LOVE Bellatrix, she's totally crazy . I also love Snape's story, the things about his history etc... when you've finished the last book, you really have another opinion about Snape! I bet you guys already know video! The Mysterious Ticking Noise, it's brilliant!
  13. Yeah, you're right. There's nothing more left to say, only that you're completely right . It's as pity though, the video has to go like this...
  14. Blue Eyes, Blue Eyes, what's the matter matter <3
  15. I consider Snape one of the best characters in Harry Potter! He's amazing.
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