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Posts posted by Mjappie

  1. His English used to be worse!


    Really? I'm glad for him he's English is somewhat better now! But I know how difficult it is to speak proper English... I've had to do this English exam... When I'm typing on this forum, it's much easier than speaking it. When making a mistake, we can simply delete it with backspace, but when saying it... :naughty:


    Hey! Mika advert on NL 1 :D

  2. ooooh right.. die aflevering waar aan handen gelikt wordt :mf_rosetinted:

    Haha, heb em net gezien! Oh, wat is Mika toch een schatje... :wub2: Ook vond ik Rain prachtig gezongen, stond met tranen in mn ogen te luisteren.



    Mij tegenvallers zijn van vandaag weer eentje die me niet leuk vond en ik ben te lang single en ik voel me een mispunt die nooit verkering heeft gehad en dat mysteries van de liefde nooit heeft ontrafeld echt kloten en ik geef maar op ik zal nooit verkering hebben met niemand *ogen neergeslagen*


    Ach, niet zo negatief... Je moet proberen positief te denken, als je dat uitstraalt, zullen mensen veel liever in je beurt willen zijn :thumb_yello:!. Tenminste, dat is mij altijd geleerd. En als het even niet lukt in de liefde, kun je je toch lekker focussen op school/werk? Dat is ook heel belangrijk natuurlijk. Je echte liefde kom je vanzelf wel tegen! :biggrin2:

  3. I loved Snape from the beginning, even for thet little bit of time when I though he was a bad guy. Maybe especially then :naughty: I think I cry more for him than any of the others. I cry everytime I watch any of the movies because I know everyone's fate :tears:



    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! :lmfao:

    I love that!

    And I love "Bother bother bother bother. I like the part where he stops moving." :roftl:


    Haha, yeah, that's very funny! Have you watched Snape's Diary? It's brilliant as well! :roftl:

  4. :naughty: it was just on telly and as I walked through my living room I stopped to frool at that bit :drool:



    I'm saying I do! :lmfao:


    Absolutely. I'm stuck between 3 of them.


    Sirius, Lupin and Snape.


    I loved Sirius in the book and only kinda in the movie. I love Lupin so much in both and Snape in both :wub2:


    I really LOVE Bellatrix, she's totally crazy :naughty:. I also love Snape's story, the things about his history etc... when you've finished the last book, you really have another opinion about Snape!


    I bet you guys already know

    video! The Mysterious Ticking Noise, it's brilliant! :roftl:
  5. Okay well this is professional dancing. They're a Korean band called "DBSK" and they're amazing because they're so versatile. Please keep watching the video because the music changes it's style a few times. Plus, look at how they perform; they're neat, tidy, sharp, clean cut...they have very good spacial awareness and perfectly in time with each other. They work together.

    I know you can't compare this dance to BIOTG because they're completely different styles. But it doesn't matter what style you do, whether it be urban, jazz, salsa, tap, ballet or contemporary...dancing is all about working together and creating a vision.


    Like this other video for example (it's the dance shot version). It's nothing like BIOTG style or even the above video's style, but it's technical and just very clever. There are several people in this group and it's hard to co-ordinate dancers when there's quite a number sometimes, but just look at the patterning and the way it all joins together! Love or hate the dance, you have to admit that it's cleverly done. And watch the bit at 1:45 where they do a canon bit. The person in front has to know their timing PERFECTLY in order for it to sync well and it goes EXACTLY how a canon SHOULD go. The girls couldn't do it in BIOTG and they could look to see when it was their turn to move. The girls can't see what's going on behind them in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn2WpUYuies

    And these girls aren't even professionals.


    and I just wanna learn this dance so badly lol :naughty:


    Yeah, you're right. There's nothing more left to say, only that you're completely right :aah:. It's as pity though, the video has to go like this...

  6. You know the part of the first Harry Potter where Hermione lights Snape's robe on fire because she thinks he's cursing Harry's broom?


    Well that bit after he puts the fire out and flips his hair and looks back up at Harry is really sexy :teehee:


    I consider Snape one of the best characters in Harry Potter! He's amazing.

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