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Everything posted by Mjappie

  1. Granted, even though your keyboard stops working.. I wish I could go to sleep!
  2. Ah, I understand... even if I had to buy me a laptop, I wouldnt go for a Mac. I boycot Apple with his iPods and MacBooks
  3. Who needs a MacBook for school? A real macBook, or is a normal Dell also allowed? It would be a bad thing if schools forced you to buy Apple's MacBook. Not everyone can afford it...
  4. Granted as well, only the signature is a fake one. I wish my hyperactivity stopped so I could sleep!
  5. My girlfriend has a MacBook, but her dad owns three Apple stores in Holland. He gave her one for christmas, all free. Isn't she lucky. But here in Hollang we also have this student discount; when you're a student you'll get discount on you MacBook. So when its €1000,-, you can buy it for €900,-.
  6. It is granted, but you lost your fingers with a firework accident O.o I wish I felt less tired...
  7. Thank you... I accidently pressed the SUBMIT REPLY button to soon, so I edited my previous post... That's why I'm feeling so lonely ;<
  8. I feel lonely . My girlfriend and I spent two months together because of the long summerholidays, but she left yesterday because her school started today. Mine starts next week, so I'm really bored and lonely and... :c
  9. Guess those types are everything. As well with the handsome people, the populair people, the nerds, the fanboys, the tomboys... And more of all the stereotypes you can think of.
  10. You're right I suppose, but I was just pretty disappointed about RAIN. At the moment I'm listening to the live verse of Rain, with piano only, and it sounds so beautiful. I think its a bit ruined with the dancy tune through it. I'm sorry to say this, but Mika is just like any other person, with a musical gift, but it doesn't mean he'll always make perfect songs. Even the best tomatoes can taste bad... But I won't let my hope ferry away; I'm still buying the album no matter what!
  11. Hmm... I have this girl on school, and she looks extremely sad. She claims to be a vegetarian but during breaks she eats meat and she wears Dracula teeth often. She smells bad too (garlic or so?) and its like she never brushes her teeth. When she speaks, all this white stuff is on her teeth everyday. Its pretty vulgar, yech. But she got a boyfriend. Never mind that he's low educated How man, I'm horrible
  12. Now you're making us curious. Spill it, or I'm gonna Mika it out of you
  13. Ok, just listened to "Blame it on the Girls", and I think too this is too 'dancy'. But if thats not the worst, there's also RAIN. I loved the live verse, but this is just HORRIBLE. And yes, even though I've only heard 1 minute of each song, at the moment I consider LICM a better album. But lets sit back and wait until the second album will be released. It would be fairer to give an opinion when the time is right.
  14. Ah. Vandaar dat de zoekmachine nooit zo werkt hier . Krijg de meeste debiele resultaten soms...
  15. Sounds nice. Ok, even over de tags. "Mika is een aardbei!!", "Mika is een perzik", "Mika is een sinaasappel". WHATTHEHECK. What did I miss
  16. Air Traffic? Nee, never heard of. Maar wat bedoel je met 'hardere'? Want ik luister wel naar rock en metal, dus qua 'hardheid' kan het altijd beter ja!
  17. How'd you know? Wacht... dat is zeker gewoon ergens te zien? Valsspeler! Maar nee, ik vind het echt zeer goede kwaliteit. En het geluid valt ook heel erg mee hoor, heb weleens filmpjes beluisterd waar je een en al kraak hoort. Dit is echt goed
  18. Dankje! Weetje, ik bekeek net een paar filmpjes van de Mikster op Jubtup... En die waren dus van jou, want rechtsonderin stond Bienie. Wat een pracht kwaliteit camera Seriously, I'm jealous...
  19. Totally understandable, ik las ook meer dan dat ik postte. Is ook wel aan mn posttellertje te zien. Bij deze dan, ik ben Jackie, woon in Zuid Holland en ben bijna 16. En ik moet zijn album gewoon hebben
  20. Ok. Ben nu weer lange tijd weggeweest. Toen hoorde ik 'We Are Golden' op MTV, 2 weken geleden. Ik zit er weer helemaal in jongens! Somebody missed me?
  21. Hi guys, Some time ago, there was this thread about stuff which Mika is wearing or has wore once. There were also some watches which I really like to see again. I hope someone knows where to find that thread or the website with the watches. Thanks! Mjappie
  22. Hi folks I was not sure where to put this... Yesterday was 'Koefnoen' on the Dutch television. It is a Dutch show where they make parodies on shows, musicians, etc. They made one about Mika. Don't get angry, this is just for fun I laughed my pants off, even though I am a big Mika fan. Enjoy this humourless humour http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=v0tUcW6SI1Y
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