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Posts posted by Mjappie

  1. Haay everyone;


    I've been there too and it was amazing. It was my first concert from Mika so I was really excited at the beginning... I'd sung all songs along and I think I annoyed people (A)..

    I really fell asleep when the other bands were singing... Sam Sparro and that Love Affair totally sucked. Sorry if I'm offensing someone, but they really sucked... I was sooo glad Mika finally started at half past 9. He started with his massive Relax... Everyone jumped and enjoyed and was happy... Yeah, Mika always knows how to make parties.

    I love him talking Dutch, he's always looking so hard when speaking dutch! Like: ><... What was that word again.... Hehe. I sooo adore Mika. I hope the other ones have had a good night as well, but I'm not really having doubts about that. Thanks Mika for the wonderful, happy, perfect show and I hope you'll come back soon! <3

  2. Hi people!


    I was wondering if it would be nice if we were like... chat-pals on msn... I am Dutch, but I'd like to improve my English... and above that, it's also very cool to meet new foreign friends ^^ I hope someone thinks this way too... I'd really like to make new friends =D


    I'm not going to enter my mailaddress here, but please, send me an personal message... I'm really hoping for new MSN contacts! I'd be very pleased =)

    And you know... we're all Mika fans, so I guess we already have one thing in common, right? (A)

  3. Yeah me too. So I couldn't be there. :thumbdown:

    So that's the reason why I'm double excited. :naughty:



    I actually was too lazy to get the tickets from the post office :roftl: I'm very lazy :P But when I heard about the fact that Mika was going to give a second concert in Amsterdam, I said: "DAD! I'm going to the post office RIGHT NOW!"

  4. Hi everyone!


    First, don't mind my spelling and weird use of the language. English isn't my first language.


    Second; I need your help...



    For music on school I need to make a kind of essay about a song I may choose... Ofcourse, I've chosen the Mikster with Stuck in the Middle. The purpose of this essay is that I learn how a song is created, which instruments fits the most with the certain feelings you get from the song etc. etc. You guys don't have to write me a whole essay or so, nope, I just need a little bit information you guys might better know than me.



    This is what I have to do (the 'me' is my music teacher):


    1. Tell me why I have chosen this song (I can do this myself :3)

    2. Tell me something about the artist (I know A LOT about Mika, but small information texts about the Mikster are more than welcome.)

    3. Tell me why the artist wrote this song, did he have a certain reason? (I thought Mika wrote SitM about his private life or so?)

    4. Tell me which instruments are audible in the whole song (PIANO! Who knows more? (A))

    5. What feeling does the artist want to give the listeners? (I find this one a pity... Somebody knows?)

    6. Does the artist succeed with this? (I guess?)

    7. Give the piece of music a recognisable structure. Use things like: Intro, verse, chorus, intermission/interlude etc. (The piano play at the beginning, for example, is the intro...)

    8. Tell me your opinions about this song, what do you think about it, how does it makes you feel (depressing, happy, angry, etc.) and more details about it.



    Ofcourse you guys don't have to answer ALL of these questions. You may help me, but you don't have too. But ofcourse I'm really appreciating your help... every answer is welcome.. It doesn't matter if your not sure, or is you think it is stupid or so... Every answer is much appreciated!


    Thank you guys!

  5. It's very clear that people still are interested in the diva's, drugs taking, alcoholistic, ''me wants attention'' people. That must the reason why Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are located on the first, second and fifth place... Whatever.


    Don't know who/what East Enders is.

  6. Oh, well.. Don't mind her, she's a little bit.. strange :roftl: *just kidding*


    Anyway, Emlord, nice that you became a memmberrrr <3 Now we can talk about Mika even MORE on msn :mf_lustslow:


    Have fun and Love Today :3

    - Jackordd (Mjappie)

  7. Well, that kid doesn't sound like Mika.. I don't know why the thread title is: "this kid could be the next mika", but I think i's a little bit... weird.


    Mika is at the beginning of his career and there already is a kind of successor?! Ehr..

    I think this thread is at the wrong category too ;)

  8. It's a pity that she's making such a big deal of this... She wants to get attention out of our Mikster's success. But, sorry guys, she has the most rights to do this... Please, I really love Mika and I really hate that Belgian b!tch, but in fact she had the name first and...


    Let's turn the roles over: what if the Mikster had registrated his name before the Belgian Mika did? Does the Belgian Mika get the most rights to deserve the name? Or is it just because we all love the Mikster, that he may keep his name? What I'm trying to say is: she got it first, so she has the most rights to use the name Mika. Sadly enough.


    I'm not trying to make Mika losing this 'match', but I'm just saying my opinion. She was the first one, so she has the most rights to keep it. If our Mika was the first one, we would also say that our Mika has the most rights. Just because we love him. But we have to become a little bit more realistic...


    I'm still hoping on a losing Belgian Mika, but I don't know if that will happen. And if she wins; she will be hated by very much Mika fans (with how much are we?); she'll be ignored by much people, she might get hatemails, etc. And if our Mika changes his name in something else, he still stays the Mika in our hearts.. for ever.

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