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Everything posted by Mjappie

  1. I'm very sorry if this sounds stupid.. But I don't really get the point of the article.
  2. It's a pity that she's making such a big deal of this... She wants to get attention out of our Mikster's success. But, sorry guys, she has the most rights to do this... Please, I really love Mika and I really hate that Belgian b!tch, but in fact she had the name first and... Let's turn the roles over: what if the Mikster had registrated his name before the Belgian Mika did? Does the Belgian Mika get the most rights to deserve the name? Or is it just because we all love the Mikster, that he may keep his name? What I'm trying to say is: she got it first, so she has the most rights to use the name Mika. Sadly enough. I'm not trying to make Mika losing this 'match', but I'm just saying my opinion. She was the first one, so she has the most rights to keep it. If our Mika was the first one, we would also say that our Mika has the most rights. Just because we love him. But we have to become a little bit more realistic... I'm still hoping on a losing Belgian Mika, but I don't know if that will happen. And if she wins; she will be hated by very much Mika fans (with how much are we?); she'll be ignored by much people, she might get hatemails, etc. And if our Mika changes his name in something else, he still stays the Mika in our hearts.. for ever.
  3. I've got a scanner, but I don't have the newspaper.. </3 Too bad, because it's always nice to hang it up on your bedroom-wall, where all the special things are hanging . But is it a newspaper which you get delivered, or can you get it (for example) at the trainstation? Just like the other Dutch daily newspaper Metro? But I don't think I can get it... Because it was the one from yesterday, and it's allready wednesday... Time goes fast
  4. Nice! Is there a way for us to listen to the remixes which already are done? I'm curious..
  5. Will this event also be on the Dutch television? Iemand in Nederland die weet of het in Nederland wordt uitgezonden? Because I can't find it on Google etc. Congratulations MIKAAA! You really deserved it! <3
  6. click here That smile is beautiful! OMG <333
  7. I've seen it on tv and it was WONDERFUL! <3 It was perfect... <333 Too bad he did not won the award for Most Addictive Song.. </3 Thanks for uploading anyway!
  8. You can't vote anymore.. It's over.. The votes are counted.. I'm really jumping on my chair.. I WANT Mika getting a award! (or two ) I'll just cross my fingers and hope he receives one... (OR TWO ) Just +- 4 hours..
  9. Oehh yes I love Pokémon too, and Arcanine is my fave Anyway, eh... Let's go back to topic And, is this problem still going on, or has the Mikster already won 'the battle'? Because I don't hear anything of it..
  10. OOOOH Thank you very much CallieFornia! <3 Thank you thank you And Sienna, I've send you a PM a second ago :3 Thanks <3 !
  11. Haai ^^ I have two questions, as you can see in the thread title. The first; does anyone has the lyrics of How Much Do You Love Me? I would like to know what he sings about in the couplets, because I cannot understand what he's singing.. All those screaming women And: does anyone know if there's a downloadable font of Mika? For Example, the font written on the LICM CD, the ''Life in Cartoon Motion'' font... I hope you guys know the answers.. ^^ Thanks anyway! Have a nice day, - Mjappie <3
  12. "'Cuz I got style." "HEEY! You better DON'T fu** with me! "
  13. "Peace motherfu****" or "I ordered TWO big girls, not ONE! YOU FOOL!" "I can also immitate squirrels, look at me"
  14. OMG! I'm SOOOO terribly shocked! This is SOOO vulgar! He's just a filty, nasty boy who is absolutely very filthy! I really hate him right now, this is very BAD for his image! I HATE HIM FOR EVER BECAUSE I'VE BEEN SHOCKED! I feel so angry, I could never imagine that Mika would do this, this is soooo... unbelievable.. I really hate him right now, I'm going to pee on LICM and I'm going to burn all of the posters I've got of him, and I'm going to throw al of my demo's of him into my computer's carbage bin, I'm so totally shocked and angry... And I'm just 14 years old so I'm marked for life, I'm having a big trauma for the rest of my life, omg... I'm really shocked... This is so wrong, so poor of Mika, it was a very poor action... I cannot believe it... I'm speechless.. [/sARCASM] Oh please little babies, grow up or something.
  15. Am I the only one who loves Relax? It is so colorfull, it makes me smile everytime! Also because of Billy Brown spleeping on the chair, and the dancin of the Big Girl... And it is just amazing! I've just seen Happy Ending, and it's... different. I had to laugh when the dolls were playbacking And the scene where Mika gets lifted by a balloon was cool. Relax is my favorite, but I have to admit that I love them all...
  16. Dankje.. Nouja,beterschap, Mika Ik heb dat tourschema gezien ja, dat is niet normaal meer.. Het is al klasse dat tie het volhoud.. Maar nu is het moment gekomen dat hij er even niet meer tegen kan.. Maar het mensenlijk lichaam is ook niet zo hgemaakt voor zulke intensieve heen en weer reizen en optredens xD
  17. I was listening to the Dutch Radio Station 'Q-Music' and I heard the DJ saying: 'Mika has an ear infection which begun at the weekend' (Sorry for the bad English..) I don't know the English name of 'oorontsteking' (Dutchies, help me?), so a ear infection... Well, has anybody heard this news item? Is it true? Or did I just opened the 50th thread about this xD? Sorry if so.. If Mika has an ear infection: GET WELL SOOON!!!! EDIT: oorontsteking ---- ear inflammation, inflammation of the ear, otitis [oʊ'taıṱəs]
  18. It takes a lot of time to search through this whole topic for Mika wallpapers. So, my question; does anyone of you know where I can find lovely Mika wallpapers? Are they in this thread? Which page? Thanks! *Wants a MIKA wallpaper!!!!! <333*
  19. ''I kinda flirt with everything and everyone, no matter if it's a tree or a coffecup'' HAHAAHHAHHAAHAHHAHAHA xD Love the interview, thanks!
  20. It isn't a problem, I was just wondering why she doesn't use her own voice.. That's all..
  21. I didn't want to offend her, but it was a question of mine walking in my head.. xD
  22. Cherisse or not; it's strill very stupid xD Sorry.. No offense
  23. Sorry, I didn't know where to put this so.. I've putted in here.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FvseXhJSrE Stop at 02:02.. Why is she playbacking? It looks very stupid, you know.. A big, adult lady with the voice of a child of 8 years,, (Sorry for the bad English) But that was my questions.. And this is not the first clip I've seen her playbacking that part..
  24. Thanks! And I've found a way to convert my MP4 documents into a MP3 document <3 Now I can listen Mika on my Zen <3333 And I've just read in a Mika FAQ here that he's 1.88 cm That makes him 30 cm taller than me xD Oh well .. Goodbye <3
  25. O for God sake hell NO! God, please, PLEASE, I'm begging you; DESTROY this rumor! I don't wanna see Mika hanging on a cross -.-'' And Madonna is.. Not my style..
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