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Everything posted by Mjappie

  1. Well, there's a difference between dancing and dancing... When you take a good look to all those rappers you know what kind of dancing that is! And that's exactly the type of dancing I don't like... When dancers dance in a very professional way, I could find it very beautiful!
  2. I've recently seen a girl from my primairy school; she's GAINED so much weight! It's really awkward to see people changing like that, in just a couple of months..
  3. And that's what I find a complete disaster of the video! I'm not really in fond of dancers in a video, even if they don't dance properly at the same time! I think this is done on purpose, otherwise I would have been shot over and over, until everybody danced in sync...
  4. I am Dutch and can use the English language properly . It will, of course, never be perfect, but I hope I'll get near the line! German and French were taught me some years ago, but I completely sucked at both. I consider French a beautiful language (while I find German the TOTAL opposite!) but I just can't use it... I understand a few words Latin and Japanese.
  5. I am currently obsessed (but actually... alwats obsessed) with Mika xD... Since his new album was released, all I'm doing is listening to it... I currently don't like other music anymore...
  6. Yeah, you're totally right! (Or, at least, in my eyes ). Believe me, I've seen much worse videos, I guess you've all done. I hoped for a bit more story-like video, some filthy rich guy who comes up to Mika and then Mika does his talks, etc. I like Mika's outfit, am in fond of his stick (which he turns in a sexy way somewhere at 00:16 ) and the way how the left en right wall are being slid away. The dancers are a -1 point due their outfit which I've seen too much form ms. Perry and Mika's hair, which is rubbed tightly to one side..
  7. I understand your opinion, I even share it. I like the song but expected more from the video. I'm a bit unsatisfied now, to be honest. Compared to Lollipop (which I find the best vid of Mika) this is... I don't really have a good word to describe it. It's not that I hate the vid and think the dance moves are the worst EVER, I'd just other imaginations about the vid. But on the other side, I think Mika would never make a vid because he has too or whatsoever. I think he has thoroughly thought about this, at least I hope so. Yes, I am slightly dissapointed, but also happy he made a new video. I hope the next vid will be a better one!
  8. Agree with that! ... I don't know if it's mentioned somewhere (sorry if it is!) but when is the video to be released?
  9. The postman! I got my MIKA shirt today! :wub2::mf_lustslow:
  10. Hey, wow, thank you! Much love! :mf_lustslow:

  11. Wow, thanks! You really helped me out! So, if I understood you correctly; minors are with a semitone in it, and majors are... three normal tones? And the simple 'A' and 'F' etc, just means the note A and F, right?
  12. Hey, I'm a pretty noob in this, since I got my keyboard a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it's an odd question, but I really don't know it! E-A-F#m-B < What does the F#m mean? Is it a chord with the F#? I don't know what majors are? C-F-Dm-G < Is that a D chord? When I press the D chord, I can really hear a similarity with the real song! Is this the right way?
  13. Hi guys! I need this fabulous picture of Mika, which I used to have on my computer, but I deleted it some time ago. Very stupid of me actually... I need it right now, for an arts project. Could somebody please upload the bigger version of this photo? I only have it as an avatar format, but I need a bigger one. I hope there's someone out there who has the bigger version A hug from Mjappie
  14. HAAAAAAAAAAAI Over Harry Potter 6, er zat een scene in ja, die niet beschreven was in het boek. Dat was -volgens mij- de scene bij Ron thuis, dat de Dooddoeners daar kwam en de boel in de hens staken. Geloof niet dat die in het boek stond.... :3
  15. A fool. I want to loose some weight, instead I bought candy today....
  16. Mika's laughing compilation xD it's so full of joy.... HA HA!
  17. I really wanna go... But I have to go to school thursday, and friday as well. And I also have to travel 1,5 hours with the train to go to Amsterdam. I'd love to go, but I simply can't. I hope you guys all get the 'tickets' or whatever you need to get in!
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