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Posts posted by Mjappie

  1. i absolutely love dancing in music videos, but only if it goes with the song. I don't think dancing necessarily goes with BIOTG, but it totally does with Rain.


    Well, there's a difference between dancing and dancing... When you take a good look to all those rappers you know what kind of dancing that is! And that's exactly the type of dancing I don't like... When dancers dance in a very professional way, I could find it very beautiful! :wink2:

  2. Well, this was what I meant….the dancers on BIOTG don’t do a good job from a professional dancing perspective, they are not in sync…but maybe…and this is only a completely wild guess from me…this was meant to be?:wink2:


    I would also like too add that I’m sure you can see so much more than I can when it comes to the dancing.

    We always see different things depending on our references, don’t we?




    That I can agree with, the first time I watched it I thought for a moment I was watching the making of BIOTG!:wink2:


    And that's what I find a complete disaster of the video! I'm not really in fond of dancers in a video, even if they don't dance properly at the same time! I think this is done on purpose, otherwise I would have been shot over and over, until everybody danced in sync...

  3. I am Dutch and can use the English language properly :naughty:. It will, of course, never be perfect, but I hope I'll get near the line!

    German and French were taught me some years ago, but I completely sucked at both. I consider French a beautiful language (while I find German the TOTAL opposite!) but I just can't use it... I understand a few words Latin and Japanese. :)

  4. Well if Mika's happy with it, then he's happy with it. And there are plenty of fans happy with it too. I liked the *idea* of it and I have absolutely no problem with Mika's performance at all, in fact he was the only good thing in it (maybes besides that dodgy chair dance at the beginning) I just have massive issues with the dancing/dancers and the editing. And the overall look to be honest, because it could have been so much better. It just didn't reach its full potential in my eyes.


    Yeah, you're totally right! (Or, at least, in my eyes :wink2:). Believe me, I've seen much worse videos, I guess you've all done. I hoped for a bit more story-like video, some filthy rich guy who comes up to Mika and then Mika does his talks, etc. I like Mika's outfit, am in fond of his stick (which he turns in a sexy way somewhere at 00:16 :teehee:) and the way how the left en right wall are being slid away. The dancers are a -1 point due their outfit which I've seen too much form ms. Perry and Mika's hair, which is rubbed tightly to one side..

  5. Honestly Sienna, this dancing is so simple. They're even doing SPRING BALLCHANGES, that's what 4 years olds do when learning their primary steps. Seriously. This dance is so easy it shouldn't be hard to perfect at all. And maybe they are good dancers, but it doesn't come to light with this choreography. Honestly, why on Earth would you mix Fosse type moves with 1960's rave? Seriously! It...just shouldn't happen.


    And I agree that sometimes it doesn't *need* to look professional to look good, but when you're doing a music video you do kinda mean business, y'know? And it depends on the type of dance. This is quite a...well, I don't want to say technical because it's not difficult in the slightest, but it's just full of little moves. It COULD be technical and SHOULD have been.


    The only thing I can compare it to is Kyle Minogue's dancing in "I Just Can't Get You Outta My Head." at 1:40


    THAT's technical. THAT'S professional. THAT'S what it should have looked like and it just ended up looking like some sort of bad-try-too-hard-dance school.

    It should have been about the small technical stuff, sharp movements, clean cut moves, patterns and slick timing. The dancing in BIOTG just wasn't slick.


    In my opinion :dunno:


    I understand your opinion, I even share it. I like the song but expected more from the video. I'm a bit unsatisfied now, to be honest. Compared to Lollipop (which I find the best vid of Mika) this is... I don't really have a good word to describe it. It's not that I hate the vid and think the dance moves are the worst EVER, I'd just other imaginations about the vid.


    But on the other side, I think Mika would never make a vid because he has too or whatsoever. I think he has thoroughly thought about this, at least I hope so. Yes, I am slightly dissapointed, but also happy he made a new video. I hope the next vid will be a better one! :thumb_yello:

  6. Haha, don't worry, we all have to start somewhere. =]

    F#m means it's a chord played with F# as the first note in the triad (or group of three notes that make up the chord.) However, the 'm' means that it's a minor chord, and so you drop the middle note of the major triad down one semitone (or one key on your keyboard) in order to achieve a minor chord.

    Dm is a D chord, but you're probably playing D major, instead of the minor. If you drop the middle note from the F# to the F, it will become a minor chord.


    So, in short:


    F#m- you play the F#, A and C# keys,

    Dm- You play D, F and A.


    Hopefully that helps. =]


    Wow, thanks! You really helped me out! So, if I understood you correctly; minors are with a semitone in it, and majors are... three normal tones?


    And the simple 'A' and 'F' etc, just means the note A and F, right?

  7. So I've been working with the new material, and I'm pretty sure I've got 'One Foot Boy' down-pat. =]





    Repeated throughout the entire song.


    It can also be easily transposed, if anyone has trouble with those chords to




    (Which is what I did to help me get the rhythm correct before attacking the actual chords. =])


    Hey, I'm a pretty noob in this, since I got my keyboard a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it's an odd question, but I really don't know it!


    E-A-F#m-B < What does the F#m mean? Is it a chord with the F#? I don't know what majors are? :boxed:



    C-F-Dm-G < Is that a D chord? When I press the D chord, I can really hear a similarity with the real song! Is this the right way?

  8. Hi guys!


    I need this fabulous picture of Mika, which I used to have on my computer, but I deleted it some time ago. Very stupid of me actually... I need it right now, for an arts project. Could somebody please upload the bigger version of this photo? I only have it as an avatar format, but I need a bigger one.





    I hope there's someone out there who has the bigger version :wink2:


    A hug from Mjappie



    Over Harry Potter 6, er zat een scene in ja, die niet beschreven was in het boek. Dat was -volgens mij- de scene bij Ron thuis, dat de Dooddoeners daar kwam en de boel in de hens staken. Geloof niet dat die in het boek stond.... :3

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