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Everything posted by Mjappie

  1. C'est fantastique! Ennuh... waarom begint nu opeens iedere school op dinsdag? Wil iedereen op precies 1 september beginnen?
  2. Something bad happened? Wow, I wish I was that hyper when I were in my period. I always get cranky ...
  3. I have a few, like three, they managed to pass the year. They're nice, but it's still bad, 'cause I liked them... But yeah.. that's pretty much how life goes. You meet people, befriend them and eventually leave... It's a good thing not everynody leaves in the end, but lots of them do...
  4. Wow. You all seem to have adorable hair. Mine's not. My hair is just... hanging.
  5. Beach <3 I just love to swim in the sea. Makes me feel so free
  6. Me too :C I used to have much friends last year, but they didn't pass the year. So they had to be removed from school. All my friends, what a rascals they are. And leaving me alone . And in the end they are dumb too, because they were all to lazy to go to school, they fancied playing truant more.
  7. They are just silly and stupid and blind and even more stupid and faggots theirselves. . Who ever touches Mika, touches us TOO! . But it does actually happen very much. Even my brother finds him a gay and that he sings falsely- but at the same time he's listening to Lollipop. What the heck.
  8. Yeah . And they don't even know who he really is etc. They hear Grace Kelly, and based on that, he is gay, a faggot, and make sh!tty music. I hate people who think this way... But I do know a lot of them
  9. That is EXACTLY what I have too. And that too! That's why it sounded so odd when I heard it for the first time!
  10. Ja, heb het gevonden... Jeetje, vanuit de goede camera positie zie je dat het been gewoon als een touw buigt... NIET normaal zeg... Hier is het filmpje: http://filmpjes.blog.nl/bizar/2009/05/31/filmpje-voetballer-schopt-been-tegenstander-doormidden En rond de 1:10, zie je heel mooi dat been buigen.... nouja, mooi.... ...
  11. Maar ik wil de naam weten zodat ik kan Googlen.. edit; ....Laa.... laat... maar... :shocked:
  12. We have like, one TPBM sends very much christmas cards every year
  13. But I'm listening to it again... And it starts to make sense... But it's still so odd!
  14. OMG. This can't be happening. The song I've known so well, which I could sing entirely along, I liked it very much... and now, words have changed and another reffrain is there. It's so strange And I don't think the reffrain fits to the couplets... What do you guys think?
  15. Gadver... Maarja, risico van het vak zullen we maar zeggen. Ik geef niet echt om voetbal.
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