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Everything posted by Mjappie

  1. OK folks. I've known a song from Mika, which was kind of illegal (it leaked on Youtube), and it was called "I'm Falling". At least, that was the given name of the demo. I was looking for a good live verse of 'I See You', but came across this: . OK. Is this the real song? Cause, the first part is DEFINITELY from the demo 'I'm Falling', so are other parts. Is this the real 'I see you', or did the Youtube user both of the pieces and mixed them together?
  2. Aan die tijd moet ik ook weer gaan wennen Alles goed hier, op een hoofdpijntje na. Met jou?
  3. It's a simple fact, that you can't seem to handle me... no matter how you act, you can't handle me
  4. You really wanna know it? ... SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROWWWW !!!
  5. Yeah, that's really odd ... My school starts tomorrow.
  6. *dramatic violin music* I, my dear friends, am sad.
  7. Laura, the 13 year old girl from Holland. She is all on the news only because she wants to sail over the world. She's insane, she's only 13 years old.. I hate all the commotion about it. She annoys me!
  8. Maybe your mum uses the rain as an excuse so she doesn't have to go to the show?
  9. I ordered the deluxe CD It's way cooler to have deluxe Mika stuff than the simple CD. My dad's paying anyway, so I could ask the deluxe cd with no problems
  10. But why? Don't you have a car or anti-rain clothes?
  11. Ik zal er over nadenken... ... ... Nee, ik hou de tijd lekker voor mezelf Oh, dat is cool joh! Haha, met tussenuren vreet ik ook nooit wat uit hoor. gadver, vorig jaar had ik standaard tussenuren in mn rooster zitten. Vreselijk...
  12. I bought bread and two wishing cards. One 'Happy Birthday' card and one Love card
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