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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. No it's not sold out. hope you didn't got a hart attack. First time I saw sold out it was because I wasn't signed in at MS but when i got back at MS and signed in there where still tickets. Whow almost two years here and 700 post. I'm a post virgin. But happy I've got to first base(or how do I write that)I only heard this expression in movies,never saw it written
  2. Ik heb intussen ook al met Nikki gesproken, het zal wel ok zijn dan. T'is trouwens toch al uit verkocht op MS
  3. T'ja dan moet ik me daar eerst registreren en hopen dat zij nog terug komt op die site. Ik vind het gewoon echt niet leuk dat die link daar staat,dat was gewoon niet de bedoeling. Ik denk dat ik gewoon erg veel op die link ga duwen,dan zien ze bij Mikasounds waar het internet verkeer vandaan komt
  4. hallo iedereen, eris een meisje en die heeft de link naar de voorverkoop voor de MFC en Mikasounds, op de website van de AB in brussel gezet.Mika heeft nog zo gezegd dat hij dit niet wil,ik heb dit aan Niki gemeld maar ze was al offline. Zou ik dit melden bij een andere mod of zo laten. de officiele voorverkoop begint pas 14 mei
  5. the official presales are at may the 14th and only for Mikasounds and mfc since yesterday right? Well there is a girl and she has put the link (for the presales orders only for us) up at the site of the AB. Mika has said he doesn't want that people to put this link on other sites,what to do about this?
  6. I had the same problem this afternoon and after trying and trying,it worked but when I tried again after a few hours it didn't worked anymore. so after 10 min I tried the link on the email confirmation again and suddenly I was signed in.
  7. Yes it's true,the mfc was back on in no time thanks. But we need a better server so the mods haven't got that much work. But I don't have to say that because we all know. Thank you Mods and Admin:wub2:
  8. wasn't there supposed to be a thread on the members only with more news?I'm confused now. And like others already asked,how to get tickets? please mods explain some things because I don't know if I have to wait for more or get back to my work,I have to do outside my house
  9. I had the same problem but after trying a few times it worked. After that I had some other problems on the site. Maybe there is someone working on the site and that's why there are errors
  10. I don't see that date for Belgium. was it realy there? oh Ihope,I hope,I hope it was!!!!!!
  11. We should have a time converter on the site or a world clock
  12. This is weird,exactly one year after Caz made this thread,we received news about this EP. What a coincidence:shocked: This was a looooonnnnnnnnnng wait,like usual BUT this means Mika keeps promises but you just don't know when. I guess at the top of the week everything will happen:mf_rosetinted:
  13. Maybe in the beginning when the animals didn't had chicken he didn't know,and when he knew about it he changed it to animals having "you know what" because it fits in the song with underlying meanings.
  14. an other way to say;Would you like to have chicken with me? = Would you like to share DNA with me?
  15. OK,that's what you think and what I sad ,is what I think and none of us knows exactly what it is. I wasn't there and you neither!!! --------------------------------- I didn't read the things you wrote before because when I posted this,I only was on the front page of this thread. I can't help it but I'm thinking Mika is dating Gaga since a few weeks now and when I saw this,it confirmed for ME only what I was thinking. I like LGG music but I can't stand the girl. It's just an opinion and I thought I heard in some interview of her that she didn't had a boyfriend. I Probably misunderstood that, that can happen,no?
  16. When he spend sometime with Katy,I was happy for him,I hoped he would date her sometime. But now,I'm thinking he's really dating this one and I hate it. I feel sick about this. I wish for him a nice girl(boy) but not this one please. And where the hell is Katy? How long has it been since Mika and her where seen together? Please Katy save our Mika!!!!! Come back to Europe!!!!!
  17. I didn't know there was something wrong with her. I met her in A'dam,she's a nice person.Can someone tell me what happened. Get well Wendy!!!
  18. Thank you. Oh and I love your siggi,that's so cute and funny. Did you find it on the internet or is it a picture you made yourself?
  19. Oh,I can't believe I made a post this long. Sorry guys but I'm so happy I could tell my story here finally. It's important to me.
  20. Before Mika,I hated the music of those days. When I was young (80's-90's) i thought I would always stay in touch with new music and would never become old fashion about it when I would grow older. I liked the 80's sooo much,then the 90's came in the beginning the music was just fine but then the hip hop came along and I hated it also the popular house music and i didn't liked that either. The strange thing is that I learned to know the underground house music and it was very different from the popular house and I loved it. But in the years "2000 and" I had so much good memories of that "house"time and that"house" music and the youth I lost, that I couldn't listen to it anymore without feeling sad and all the popular music got even worse.(Brit,Cristina,Avril,RNB,some stupid bands,and all the other rubbish. I was stuck in the 80' and i hated that. I even throw out my radio and I only listened to my own old music on cd's and pc. I became very sick and really depressed because of this illness(I will have this disease for the rest of my life) and i couldn't except it. I thought my life was over and music made me feel tired. in 2007 I found a job for a couple of hours a week so I could do the work despise my illness. It was at that job that I heard Relax for the first time,that was June 2007. It was because I didn't had a radio anymore that i heard it so late. That very same day,I also heard the Scissor sisters for the first time. I loved it immediately,both of the songs,Relax and I Don't Feel Like Dancing. The music gave me back some of my energy and it made me Feel better and happy again. I started to listen to the lyrics of relax and it gave me back hope and the feeling that everything would be alright again,to not give up. I looked for Mika on the internet,I forgot all about the scissor sisters. I saw pictures of him with comments on them from MFC-ers:naughty: (I found that out months later) The comments where like this; oh he's so cute,handsome,beautiful. I was like;:eek:, no he's not!!!(now i think, after Johnny Depp he's the most handsome man in the whole wide world) I saw his official pictures and I though;right if you have a stylist and a good photographer,than it's not difficult to look like that, he looks good here but not that good!!!!! Than i downloaded his album(illegal)and loved it,the whole album( don't worry by now I've bought it twice). I read his bio and was like oh my god,I have so much in common with him and he wheres the same clothes,I was wearing back in the 80's,he even has the same hair as me. His music even made my illness better,every one noticed I was changing back to my old self again. I don't know what my life would be like without him ,I'm even wondering if I would still be a life without him. every time I was feeling really sick and tired,I putted on his cd and i felt better. I also found back my interest for new artists and new music all thanks to him. About MFC, I'm here a lot,I don't post much but I'm here all the time,every day. I can relate to most of you all,found other people with the same humor as me and I'm laughing quite a lot with all of your jokes. Thanks Mika,Thanks MFC for making my life better again.
  21. If that is true, it would take almost another year. You know what I don't understand;can some one explain this to me please. why did he first recorded demo's and after that the real thing. Does it always go like that? I always thought demos where for unknown artist,to send them to record companies to get a contract.
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