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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. I also don't think Mika has OCD but on the other hand there is something. In the beginning when I saw Mika's interviews I thought he had a light form of autism. I know people who don't know autism think it's always about people who don't speak much or not and that they are always very calm but that's not true. The light form of autism is very close to ADHD. They can be very energetic and talk a lot. Why I thought that, Well he didn't speak for a long time because he was hurt,he seemed to call everybody his friend and he has a sort of OCD way to do things and had problems with writhing. That's why I thought that. Was this stupid of me or are here others who have thought of that?
  2. Auw,auw,auw,sorry guys but he's sooooooo hot!!!!!!!!!
  3. Wow,you looked so cute:wub2: I'm sorry for the facial hair,i hope you have fixed it by now:roftl:
  4. We call them "paasbloemen" in English it would be "Easterflowers" If I heard the word daffodils I didn't know what they where but I looked it up. what a weird name is that in English
  5. It's the same for me!! I didn't thought he would do the acoustic gigs in Belgium. I had tears in my eyes when I saw Belgium.
  6. Thank you for that. I was trying to convert the video of it with totaly video converter and send it to her but it didn't want to convert it.
  7. that's what I love about mika so much,he wants to keep his private live, private and than he say something like that:roftl: he lies about stupid things but he is so honestly,too honest sometimes:naughty:
  8. I think i know what you mean by the second one:shocked:. we don't use that one
  9. well, he isn't dating publicly but privately is a different story,or something like that
  10. I don't know if it has a meaning in English but in dutch(or only in Flemish) milking someone it means that you make someone work very hard and you take all the money for it. Like milking an artist when you are his/her manager. but we say it like this; he is milking her out
  11. That was what I was thinking but didn't want to say it. I thought about that because the thing he said at that afterparty about the difference in his public and private dating.
  12. Do you know what I think .... She's send him a message to tell him she's got tickets to michael jackson and that she was willing to give them to him but she wanted a favor in return. Nah,that's what I think:sneaky2:
  13. Haha,and he plays it like a boy(they play the sims different than girls,they like it cruel)
  14. Ha I found you!!!!!

    I was searching on myspace

  15. Oh I'm so happy. This was so unexpected!!! Before I was here,I was on Mikasouds,and I saw the worms where still there,that was a bit depressing and than I came here and the first thing I saw was this thread. I was wondering... is it aprilfoolday already? or did Angie post this? But I saw it on Twitter and now I was excited that Mika had tweet and than again fexcited for the album and than again for the tweet and than......you know:naughty: But the album recordings are almost done,that's the best.
  16. *thinking,thinking and some more thinking* No,I don't know what to reply on that. It's not that I've bin ignoring you it's just, I don't know what to say on this.
  17. If there will be a single first,we just don't know anything.
  18. :roftl:OMG I'm sorry but that made me laugh so hard,I don't know why
  19. I would like to have a blog,where he tells us what still has to be done on the album. He doesn't have to give me a finishing date(he probably doesn't know that himself) but some info on how far he is with it so we can have some little bit of an idea how long it could take.
  20. That's the prove it's really Mika on twitter:naughty:
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