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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. Oh ok, the email adress I've signed in with is the one I use the most,so that will be ok.
  2. When you go to the page where all the treads are listened(lets say Mika News And Press or new posts and so on) you can see this thread and you can see how many replies it has. If you click on the number of the replies you get a little window with the names and the posts they have made in the thread. I'm sorry,i'm not Sienna but this one I knew:naughty: I hope you did understand my explanation otherwise,I sure Sienna will explain it better. her English is much better than mine
  3. It's not that hard you know,they are smart but they wont do it for lets say 'your beautiful eyes' only if you give them something they really like in return. I would have loved to see the cats in the circus. Cats are so cute. Even more than worms:mf_rosetinted:
  4. Oh thank you,I didn't know that. So, checking if I've understand it right... you are member 2245 and I am member 5924. Is this... *thinking how to say it in English*... the rang you became a member? I mean the first member gets number 1 and the 2nd number 2 and so on?
  5. Ha where is the fly? Admit it,you are afraid for my new electric flyswatter.
  6. I agree. This thread has become a horror thread for me with all the bugs and snails and worms in it and it's become even worse by talking of eathing them. The same for Mikasounds,every time I open the site and I see the worms up there I get a little sick
  7. Do I have a member number? I didn't know that. where can I find that? And about the confirmation email,I'm not sure I still have it.
  8. I learned my two cats to sit and to give hig five and to stand on two feet. If I tell people they don't believe me but when they see it ,they go"oh my god,you where right when you told me that. It's not that dificult,they do anything for there fovo catcandy. But when I dont have it with me they do nothing:naughty:
  9. :yikes:a fly!!! Oh ! I did it again! I'm sorry Alice...,but that's what happens when i see a fly. I can't help it, I kind of hate them. (I mean flies, not you:thumb_yello:)
  10. You could win tickets and some things extra(i don't remember what the extras were but i believe there was a pickup from the place you live to the concert and may be a stay in a hotel,like I said I'm not sure anymore) We all where checking our mailboxes but no one of the MFC had news about winning the tickets. The day of the concert everybody who had tickets went to the concert. When a girl from MFC came home from the concert she checked her e-mail again and she found out she had won the competition. Only problem was,she had received this mail from MS on the day of that concert, when she already left home to go see the concert. They should have informed her at least a week before,don't you think. If I'm wrong, please someone who remembers it better,correct me. But this is how I remembered it
  11. So probably no chance for a new blog for the next few hours. thank you.
  12. Thank you, Sorry call me stupid but I always get confused by PM and AM In my country we use the 24clock. But pm is in the evening,right?
  13. Oh that's terrible,i had them when I was a child but when you are an adult it's so much worse. Get better soon I wish you a Mika vlog to feel better:huglove:
  14. You know,this thread has been weird today. From snails to cats,from spiders to rats,apples bananas etc. to eating Mikas.
  15. I would love to have that doll but I don't have the patience to make it or the skills
  16. Sorry my internet conection is a bit slow at the moment.
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