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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. Yeh,I think a Mika would be great with some chicken:roftl:
  2. That was funny, I would like to try a Mika too:roftl:
  3. I know,that wasn't nice. But I think they can be cute too:wink2: I was just teasing a bit
  4. I agree. When i see him,i feel sad. I feel sorry for him,he never had a normal life.
  5. Yes, I know I saw that a long time ago. But what I didn't got is;did people had to buy tickets maybe weeks before and maybe that they knew in witch city the gig would be and only didn't know the exact place and hour or did they know nothing at all till the last hour or so? I hope so too,but I start to worry that maybe the date on that Dublin gig is been taking away because it's a secret gig. That's why I've been asking this questions I know she was joking but it didn't made me smarter:naughty:
  6. I've got a question. Mika said somewhere in his blogs, he would give some secret gigs and in another blog he said,he would give some small gigs. Are these small gigs the secret gigs? At the moment when Mika did his first secret gigs I wasn't a fan . So I also would like to know how that works. Can someone who has experienced a secret gig of mika explain this to me?
  7. I don't know either but I hate it. Did you had it with Freddie's link too?
  8. yeh ok, 2 post further,I found this one:naughty:
  9. Ok I'm late again for seeing this thread and probably someone has said it before but I'm still reading the beginning of this thread. blabla..... But what I want it to say is this; You forgot Adele:roftl:
  10. Yes that's really great,I've been looking for it a few long times. I'm really happy,thanks to you!!!
  11. Quoting myself haha. Ok, Dani56 and Biennie have found them for me. So nevermind this post anymore. thanks girls!!!
  12. That's the one I was looking for!!!!! Thank you. Oh and thank you all so much because I didn't had the others before and there is also one I did had and I forgot about it. Oh you girls,you made my day:thumb_yello: :wub2:
  13. Does anyone has this problem too? It use to happen quite often lately when I click on a youtube link like this,I get a message from youtube;This video is not available in your country. I'm getting sick of it. One year ago it almost never happened and now i get it a lot of times:thumbdown:
  14. Can someone please help me. A few months ago,I lost almost all my pictures during a computer crash. I found most of them back but I'm still missing one that I really would like to have back and I can't find it. It's a picture from 2007 and he wears a orange blazer on it and a green tie (I believe) It's not a pretty picture,actually Mika is a bit ugly and nerdy in this picture but I think it's funny and I liked it very much. Please help me.
  15. I think this picture is from the same day.The outfit is right but I think he wears glasses on the one I'm looking for. BTW. I didn't had this one so thank you anyway for this one and for trying to help me. Thank you:wub2:
  16. Can someone please help me. A few months ago,I lost almost all my pictures during a computer crash. I found most of them back but I'm still missing one that I really would like to have back and I can't find it. It's a picture from 2007 and he wears a orange blazer on it and a yellow tie (I believe) It's not a pretty picture,actually Mika is a bit ugly and nerdy in this picture but I think it's funny and I liked it very much. Please help me.
  17. Me too,Me too,Me too!!!! I have two albums of them and in the beginning my friends use to laugh with me but most of them changed their minds about them and now they like them too. I used to be ashamed for it but when I grow older I didn't anymore and i told everybody. I get the same feeling from there music as I get from Mika's music.
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