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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. What do you mean? you can choose the questions in the post of others you want to answer.
  2. none, but if I have to choose it will be MJ,he's the King and Prince is just a prince. I want to be the queen.
  3. Oh is it? I think Freddy wants to keep the shoe for himself. oh that Freddy,wait till I see him at the next gig!!!
  4. I went alone,I wanted to take you with me but I didn't know where to find you.
  5. Mika some fans think your curls aren't real. does this annoys you and are they real?
  6. But,but,but,but,dinos are wonderful you know!!!!!! I've even made a song about one.
  7. That would be a dinasour(or how do you write that) Why? they are even bigger than me.
  8. Yes, here you can be Mika for a little while and we get our questions answered:naughty:
  9. We are still waiting for answers to our questions we where allowed to ask Mika. He answered a few of them but most of them aren't been answered. I'm still waiting and getting a little impatient I toughed ,who needs Mika? We can do it ourselves. So,the game goes like this; Someone post the question he/she has asked Mika and the next one answers it. You can also ask questions you really wanted to ask but you didn't dare to ask him. We can call the questions we really asked a "Real Question" and the other a "Didn't dare question". You can answer a question from someone without asking a question your self,in this way we get more different answers to one question. (if there is already a thread like this please let me know and ask the mods to delete this on,I've been searching for it but didn't find one but i'm awful with the search option) Ok I'll start; Didn't dare question: Mika, at some point in time you had put up a picture of you with a chicken on MikaSoundsBlog at YouTube. This made me wonder, does this mean you've had chicken that day you put up that picture?
  10. OK,I found out about this a little late but I enjoyed it and had a good laugh. So here I go, Artist:Sam Sparro(ofcourse) 1. Are you a man or a woman? clingwrap 2. Describe yourself. Hot mess 3. Describe your relationship with your boyfriend. sick:naughty: 4. Where would you like to be right now? 21st century life 5. Who do you admire? Anna Rexia 6. If someone could make your dream come true... what would it be? cut me loose 7. A phrase you'd say to make you famous. Recycle it!
  11. Thank you Oh I forgot all about that song. That's been a very long time I've heard that.
  12. Hay there,

    Thank you,hope to see you around.

  13. Thank you DarkLicht, I'm better now but I still have this disease,probely for my whole life. Only I have it more under control now and I feel much better. the period the disease was the worst lasted more than one year.it was terible. Maybe you've heard about it,"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"
  14. Did you know this song before? Its from my country and I live in Belgium. That country is so small. So It's rare that some music of our artist get out in the world. That's the reason i would like to know actually I'm so sorry for both of you. I can understand your feelings. because of some disease I've got a few years back,I didn't had any energy left. understanding conversations was so hard for me and when someone told me something important,I couldn't remember it. a lot of people got irritated but it wasn't my fault. I lost my job and a lot of friends at that time and also myself,i guess. Luckily I had a few good friends who didn't left me but I really felt abandoned. I know it's not totaly like both of you but I know the feeling a bit. At this moment my life is good again and I have found new friends again. I wish you the same.
  15. Ok this is mine.This is what I feel when I realise that I'm 35 and still feel 20 and miss my youth. i don't know if thats the meaning of this song but that is how I see the lyrics and the feeling I get from the music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNbI8gAT7mg&feature=related
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