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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. This forum start to get on my nerfs lately,everybody seems to be so of topic these days. It's always about some Mika or about some guy named Meeks. I don't know who these people are and frankly,I don't care!!!! And it seems I'm not the only one who doesn't know who this people are. Please lets talk about rainbows,dinosaurs and more interesting things again!!!
  2. I'm very bad in cooking. I think I would have to stay after class for some private lessons:arf2: So,yes I'm in for some cooking classes. btw. I don't need concerts,acoustic gigs or cd's or DVDs. That cost to much and I need money for some cooking lessons:naughty:
  3. I've seen this a few weeks a go. I've bought glasses like that,even bigger and in pink. When I 'll go to a Sam Sparro gig I'm going to wear them. They are so funny
  4. Same here because you are thirsty or because...
  5. His mom has send a picture that's been taken just at the moment he saw wikipedia
  6. You are right. Mika's personality appeals me more,so I like him more. About the music,I don't know who I like the best,it's different.
  7. Recycle is the only one I don't like actually,sorry:sweatdrop: My favorite is pocket. It would be nice though having Sam and Mika in one song but like everybody else said,it wont happen. Sam doesn't like Mika's music. shame on him!!! About who is the best,well... I like Mika's high voice more than Sam's and i like (loveeeee)Sam's lower voice more than Mika's. Mika's music makes me forget my worries and Sam's music helps me think about life. Well to make a long story small, they are my 2 favorite singers/songwriters and they both are far above all the others for me. I loveee this 2 diva's:naughty:.
  8. I'll put one (auto clicker) on Sam's videos then:devil: Sorry Mika,hit me:boxed:
  9. Hello,welkom to the mfc!!!

    Thanks for visiting my page.

    Do you have Myspace ?

  10. Oh that's what that thread is al about I never read (post in)it:naughty:
  11. I know exactly what you mean!!!! Same here!
  12. :roftl: Yeh,she's back and how!!!! The one in bold I loved the most. I remember that I was a little scared when he told us the he was going to make that jump and didn't hear from him for some day's. Then when I saw it ,I was like: that was it,was I worried for that:sneaky2: Oh mika,you *#°*?,
  13. I found out about them last year. So I was late too. I loved them from the first time I heard them. It was around Christmas and they played the song Christmas Time(Don't Let the Bells...) on the tv. I looked them up on the internet and find out they had split. I used that song last year to wish people a marry Christmas. Nice to hear that Justin is back!!!
  14. Hell,can't believe I spend so many quotes in a thread about the pope on a Mika forum. I thought to leave it just by one. but like I said before,I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the hate word and if people felt insulted by it,That was not my intention. I'm not sorry for what I meant in my first post(I still think of it like that but I'm sorry for the way it came across) (I hope you understand what I mean,I have the feeling my English is failing me a bit)
  15. Ok,I chould've known that by now,I've seen more posts from you but you scare me sometimes Niki:naughty:
  16. Ok,I'm glad that's been cleared up, that you know I really didn't meant to hurt or insult you or the catholics on here. It's just my point of view on this topic and not on the people who are catholic. Next time I'll think twice before I say something,I just totally didn't see it coming that people here on MFC would feel attack by my post. Again..Sorry And for Niki... 1- I didn't say anything wrong to or about you. I didn't insult you for your opinion, so, why did you do that to me? 2- I disagree on the things you said,we could have a big discussion on it but I don't see a reason for it, its your opinion and i have mine. It's your right to love the church, just like it's my right to dislike it. I will never change my view on it and that's probably the same for you. I don't see a problem on that. That's all and the last I'll say about this to you.
  17. I didn't meant to insult anyone on here. If I did I'm sorry for that. I've been studying History and cultures and believes. And all the things I learned about RC church makes me sad and angry. What I said before was just an reaction on what Nikki said that I'm just condemning a whole institution just on basis of what one person said... That isn't the case,it is because of so many things that I think about it like that. On the bold part I meant; People who are fanatic about it and think only catholics are good people and who are prejudging everyone who has an other believe or lives there lives in an other way the church describes. I find that so wrong because it's everything that Jesus said not to do. People who think you are like possessed by the devil if you're gay or that you are evil if you live and sleep with someone you didn't marry. You know;real fanatic people
  18. I'm not saying that all the catholics are like that,I'm saying the church is. I hate the church but not the people who are catholic. It depents on how far they go in to it. My family is catholic,I grew up with it. But I have a mind of my own and that don't fit in to what the church says and have said in the past. And don't forget.... .... Matthiew chapter 6 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
  19. Don't get me started on this. Do you know history. And the pope is the nr. one person of the R. catholic Church,he's the boss of that institution and what he says is the law for the whole church "empire". I'm sorry but i hate the R catholic church and almost everything they did so-called in the name of Jesus.
  20. Yes I used to forget how old I was. When someone asked me I had to think for a few sec. That doesn't happen anymore because I always know how old mika is. My mother asked me how old I was a few weeks ago, she said how old are you again is it 34 or 35. I asked her how old is Mika and she go's,yeah right he's 25 so you're 35:naughty: Isn't that said:roftl:
  21. I know I saw that on the news!!! But wasn't choked. The catholic church is so hypocrite. It's no ones fault if you are homosexuale,it's not something you choose. Don't they know that by now!!!!
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