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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. Same here only 10 years 17 aug '73 that makes 10 years and one day older than Mika.
  2. 1.Black and gold-Sam Sparro (just loved it the first time I heard it, listened to it a lot this year) 2.Any Other World- Can't remember the singers name (My grandmother died this year and this song helped me through it) 3.Pocket-Sam Sparro (for the lyrics but I also love Sam's voice in it A LOT) 4.I kissed a girl:blush-anim-cl:- Katie Perry (no I didn't,at least not this year:naughty:) 5.Lie to me- Daniel Powter (I made a fool of myself because of it,here on the MFC but I love the song) 6.21 Century life-Sam Sparro (reminds me of my best friend and myself)
  3. Yeh, he beter watch out,he'll regret it ,loosing his first place with me to Sam
  4. I agree with you. I don't think he's a bad person,he only has a weird sense of humor and I like it. He is honest and not the only artist who sad negative things about other selebs. He always says about Mika he doesn't like the music,he never attacked him personally. I don't know Sam at all but if you listen to his lyrics he doesn't sound stupid to me, the opposite actually,they are sometimes quit deep and not superficial as a lot of other pop songs are. When he was in Amsterdam he looked really surprised and happy because the crowd seemed to like him. I have seen some video's on youtube from you all here and from other people and I think he is quite charming and lovely to his public. I asked him if he has talked to Mika in Amsterdam and what he thought of mika and his answer was; "Mika is nice and tall:thumb_yello:!!!" I can't help it but I seem to like him every month more and more. I listen to his album every day now and his voice makes me go So hot!!! And if Mika don't come out with an album very soon,I'm afraid,Sam is going to switch places with Mika in my fanheart
  5. Hey Lena,

    I can't log in at my space.

    So I will wish you a good weekend over here.

    ... have a wonderfull weekend,girl

  6. I vote for chicken tonight. Chicken was the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread but the chocolate massage lotion would also be quite interesting
  7. Thank you StandardToaster! Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thankyou,Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub2:
  8. I think it's the same as here. Strange! We had snow too,2 weeks ago and last week it was between 5 and 0 celsius. almost the same.
  9. If he sings Michael instead of ma gueule,than I guess he meant Michael Jackson
  10. Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. That was my first ommmmmmm I hope it will help.
  11. Aw,you just made it even harder:boxed: You lucky girl:wink2:
  12. That's almost the same here only our mandatory language is French.

    So French is the second language and directly after that it's English. That's because more than half of the inhabitants of Belgium speak French.

    But we are only with something like 6 or 7 million Dutch speaking people and therefor we know the English quite good.

    It's the same actually, TV,movie's, internet and in opposite to our French speaking compatriots we don't find our own language that important.

    The only thing is,I struggle with dyslexia.

    I know how to say it in English but don't know how to write it,so I use other words for it,words I know how to write,I try to explain myself in more simple ways than I would like to.

    I do that in my own language too.

    To hide dyslexia,you become inventive.

    It takes me a long time to write something because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I hate spelling mistakes.

    I know that it is a little weird for some one with dyslexia,but I really hate them.


    About the Swedish boy,I loved him.

    We where both in yugoslavia for more than a month.

    I met him there.

    Our cultures seems to fit quite good in opposite to the Yugoslavian culture.

    We weren't there as tourists but we where living the Yugoslavian life.

    We where working there.

    It was so nice to be with someone who went trough the same difficulties to adapt to the other country and its habits.

    It felt like we where from the same country.

    Not that there is something wrong with Yugoslavia or it's people.

    I made a lot of friends there and I like the country but he understood me better and he had the same feeling concerning that issue about me.

    After being home a while,we lost contact.

    It was to difficult.

    I have only good memories of him. Oh,... and he looked so cute.:wub2:

  13. Hi sienna,

    Why did you said my English is good?

    Your English is sooooooo much better.

    It seems we are in a lot of the same threads so I have read a lot of your post and I think you're so good in English.

    I'm jealous but aren't most people in Sweden good in English?

    I dated a boy from Sweden a long time a go and he was also very good in English.

    Maybe it's coincidence but now I would really like to know.


    with love,


  14. And I still don't believe he's OCD. Now I'm almost sure he or some one of his crew has read the thread "reviews of PDP dvd" Because a lot of MFC-ers where complaining a bit that they would love little concerts more than big ones and than, he said in the other blog he was planning to give little concerts. I called him a diva in that thread and a lot of others agreed with me that we didn't believe he's really OCD and now he wants to prove we were wrong and he is no diva. No offence Mika but I still don't believe you!!! bad Mika:naughty:
  15. And they have probably met each other in Westerpark Amsterdam. But would Mika fall in love with some one who doesn't like his music? Maybe Sam said he didn't like Mikas music to cover up their relationship
  16. Yes computers Can't live with or without them. But luckily my Sims or back on.
  17. Yes that' exactly what I said and that's the reason I've always thought they would make good boyfriends but now that I know Sam doesn't like Mika's music my dream for Mika felt apart:crybaby:. Now I think I would make Mika a better boy.... ehm girlfriend:roftl:
  18. I like the accent of latin American girls who speak english,that's so cute. Like Salma Hayek Or from Spain like Penelope For men I like the accent from French men. In my own language I like it when Russian or other people from Slavic country's speak my language,that is also so cute.
  19. I love the Sims too. I didn't play it about a year but I have instaled it again a week or two ago. My computer crashed two times in a month and I was so sick of it that the second time he crashed, I didn't instaled my usual software but instead the Sims. I have bought the original game and the rest of the expansions I have downloaded them from torrents,I have them all. I like busting out the most. Next year will be so exiting, a new album from Mika and the Sims 3 coming out! What a blast!!!
  20. :roftl:wow that is so deep what an sophisticated and interestingquestion:naughty: Oh,you made me laugh out loud
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