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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. Hello, lovely introduction. I loved it when you first kind of hated it and than you got addicted to it, I found that quite funny
  2. what I've understood from it is that region 9 is sometimes also called region 0. So region 9= region 0.I've seen this explanation on 3 different internet sites, so I think its true
  3. Eindhoven sounds good to me but Antwerp would even be better
  4. the cd will be for 2009,I think,he said something like that on the dvd but don't know if it's January or december:naughty:
  5. Poor Mika's mom,if all of her 5 children are like that:roftl:
  6. Ok , I watched it again and he doesn't say superstition but he says that he believes everything could go wrong if he speaks. that's superstition, right?
  7. yes he did mentioned it. OK now you made me doubt about it, a little. i'm going to watch. back in a few min.
  8. I know what you mean and if he had said it was for resting his voice I wouldn't be bothered but he says it's because of superstition and has something to do with ocd. I think that makes it an other story
  9. I don't believe he is ocd,when he says that I think he means it's a bit like ocd. I've seen him drink his thee otherwise than he likes it that's nothing ocd like at all. No I don't believe it:naughty:
  10. Hey Lena,

    so it's snowing there,wow.

    Indeed it rains a lot over here and it gets cold too.

    temperatures go from one day 12 and an other around 0 Celsius.

    About not receiving messages from mfc,you could ad the email address to your safe contacts and it will resolve the problem

  11. Back to the dvd, Question for the others who have seen it. Have you seen that part where he said that he wouldn't speak before the gig? It annoyed me a bit..... I don't know but I found it a little ... Diva like. Please don't hurt me
  12. No, something totally different,only the color is a little the same:naughty:
  13. Yeah that could be,I was thinking the same but wouldn't say it because maybe it was just something typical English and everyone would laugh but I can be reassure now because fbm didn't know it either:naughty:
  14. For me It's just the other way around:roftl:. I really don't like "I want you back" but I love "Can't Get Enough"
  15. My thoughts exactly but I think it was because he was so nervous. the next song is much better and it gets better long the way,only Ring,Ring he laughs to much in it and I spotted some bad notes. So you see even we are hard core fans we are not without criticism:roftl:
  16. I don't know actually, I was wondering about that too. It's something I don't know I guess. It looks a bit like pizza slices but it comes out of a pan. When you all see the dvd you probably have to laugh with me because you all will know what it is.
  17. Ja ik begrijp het maar al te goed,ik kon ook niet wachten en als het bij mij had geweest dan had ik me ook rot gevoeld.
  18. I'm so sorry for you,really. Ik weet hoe erg je erop aan't wachten was,echt ik vind dit echt rot voor je. Ps,ik heb je laatst nog even gesproken op hyves. remember?
  19. I don't have the picture with the mask and the one where he is drawing but I have others. maybe this is because I have the normal dvd and not the deluxe but that one is in the mail. I'll have the deluxe next week and after that week I'm going to give this one to my mom. I just couldn't wait till the deluxe would arrive knowing it was already in store:naughty:
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