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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. Hi Linde, Can't you ask your money back because it's not there on time and then go to an other chop? I think if he said that it will be in today and it's not you deserved your money back
  2. Ok, i've seen the whole dvd now. There isn't that much bonus stuff on it. Bonus; Video Lollipop&Grace Kelly live from Hootenanny last year on new years eve. Then the documentary, We can see the development from the idea (months before the show) till the actual show. It's actually interesting and you can see what Mika was doing while we waited for something to happen and it seems he was very busy. I've seen him cook something, so the man can cook:shocked: I enjoyed the documentary and I think you will enjoy it as well. His sisters are also on it and there is a little interview with I believe 2 fans. not sure anymore. anyway I'm happy I have the DVD. I don't know what to say anymore and I don't want to spoil everything for you. but if you have questions I'm here for you but i have to leave in 30 min.
  3. I'm still watching it on my TV,I let you know if I seen it all.
  4. I made a new thread called reviews dvd parc du prince. I hope that's ok.
  5. I've got the dvd this morning, I'm watching it now but I thought that I would give you the first impression of it already. I have no pictures because my scanner is'nt working and I have no batteries in my camera. The boot menu is simple, totally different then in licm. It's a black screen with in the middle a clown of the orchestra,playing the trumpet. Then I choose"play all" and the concert part is the first part,it starts in a small view window but when the concert actually starts the view gets large. I panicked a little because i was afraid it would stay that way during the whole dvd but after a minute or so it go's away. The speaking parts aren't left out like it was with licm. I love that. I've seen first row people quite clearly. In big girl his voice isn't that good I think but I love his voice in billy Brown. In the dutch subtitles is a big mistake when he announce the song Billy brown. It says" this is about my girlfriend Billy Brown":roftl: (girlfriend as in my friend who's a girl). Since the last dvd you can really see Mika has grown as an artist and the style of the songs are different than in the first dvd so I think it's worth as being a fan to have this dvd too besides the licm dvd
  6. ok I've seen a part of it now. The boot menu is simple totally different then in licm. It's a black screen with in the middle a clown of the orchestra,playing the trumpet. Then I choose"play all" and the concert part is the first part,it starts in a small view window but when the concert actually starts the view gets large. I panicked a little because i was afraid it would stay that way during the whole dvd but after a minute or so it go's away. The speaking parts aren't left out like it was with licm. I love that. I've seen first row people quite clearly. In big girl his voice isn't that good I think but I love his voice in billy Brown. In the dutch subtitles is a big mistake when he announce the song Billy brown. It says" this is about my girlfriend Billy Brown":roftl: (girlfriend as in my friend who is a girl). Since the last dvd you can really see Mika has grown as a artist and the style of the songs are different than in the first dvd so I think it's worth as being a fan to have this dvd too besides the licm dvd
  7. I've have to watch it first:wink2: All I can say is that it looks good but you already knew that and there is a booklet and a text in it, 2 pages full, in small letters with the title "This is Mika" but I'm off now,can't wait to view my dvd
  8. Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes, yes,yes,yes,yes, I have the dvd!!!!!!!! I'm so happy.
  9. Me too, I have 2 LICM cd's 2 LICM dvd's And now I ordered the new dvd online but it will be here next week and today it will be in the chop so in half an hour i'm going to the chop and next week I'll have 2 dvd's.
  10. I think it's about socks in bed and than (i think) he say's "it's good for circulation"
  11. Yes I think that's what he says and what you said about the drugs seems right so you're almost there:wink2:
  12. I think you're have to wait for a few hours because it's 3.30u in France or maybe someone from Canada is a wake I don't know what time it is over there.
  13. Yes I agree on that, McCain isn't a bad man but I don't like Republicans:wink2: that much. I liked his speech after losing the elections,and I believed everything he said.
  14. No I haven't but I know the us is beautiful and not all Americans are bad especially here on the MFC. A lot of Americans on here have surprised me in a good way. But there are so many things that have really annoys me about the US, most of it are the conservative opinions and in my opinion a lot of Americans have the mentality of; money above humanity. But I'm not willing to discuss this over here because I don't want a fight here and because I love every Mika-fan and I don't want to fight people I love.
  15. Hi, I'm from Belgium(Europe) I was up the whole night to watch it live. I had tears in my eyes when Obama won. I was so happy! I remember the elections 4 years ago when i heard Bush was reelected. I was so angry at the Americans then. I' still don't like America that much but I have a little more faith in the US again.
  16. Ik heb dat interview ook gezien een week geleden of zo. Op een gegeven moment zegt ze dit "Die drums bij Mika bijvoorbeeld, die vind ik geweldig. En die drummer hebben we kunnen krijgen voor deze plaat, daar ben ik heel erg gelukkig mee. " Wil dit dan zeggen dat cherisse op haar nieuwe plaat staat? of bedoelt ze een drummer zoals die van Mika? Ps;Ik heb haar een keertje live gezien en ik vond het toch een beetje tegenvallen. Ze stond daar zo gewoon echt een beetje saai was ze.
  17. I can't believe you only just discovered them this year. They where so big in my times. their music reminds me to good times. I loved them and will always love them. their music is timeless!
  18. Sorry I didn't see this thread before. You are good boy! I've see a lot of people trying to sing Mika's songs but never do it proper. Till this moment you are the best I've seen.good job.
  19. Thank you:wub2: See you all tomorrow or so,I have to go to bed.
  20. I know,I was like:tears: and I still feel said about it. And I'm sure I didn't said anything bad about him. But I Think I said something of him being my drug or something like that because he said in that blog he was getting addicted to write the blog
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