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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. My comment was removed ones from Mika's myspace. The thing is,I didn't remember what I had wrote to him. But I really don't think I said something wrong. It was a comment on his blog about the blogs on Mikasounds. It's been a few months ago and I'm still wondering what I had said and what I did wrong. I guess that he thinks of me as naughty girl:crybaby: Mika
  2. I couldn't stop:blush-anim-cl:,I'm sorry but I promise,it will be the last one,at least for today
  3. yes but the first one is hilarious:roftl: and the 2nd and last... OMG let it come truth
  4. This is so much fun,I'll join in. Can't wait till tomorrow
  5. I'm fine thank you.

    I'm off to bed now because it's 5 in the morning.

    I hope you had a great day. I saw your thread about the stupid things that happened to you today,don't worry by the time you are 33 it only gets worse:lmao:

    I hope it didn't ruined your day.

    BTW;I always enjoy your posts that's way I had asked you to be my myspace friend.

  6. Hi DarkLight,


    Happy birthday.

    I'm friends with you on my space.

    I'm Heksekatje overthere

  7. Is it just me but these links aren't working for me
  8. I just saved it on my computer and I called the file "Rick and Mick". Even the names fit good together. It sound so much better then the original from Rick A.
  9. Did I miss something? What's that about the chicken on his shoulder. Please, someone explain it to me I'm confused.
  10. I'm a lefty too. My grandfather is left handed and my grandmother did things with both hands. When I was 14 years old I was in a class with 8 others and only one was right handed:shocked: That was so funny!! It was in the creativity class and the teacher found it really difficult to teach everything for lefty's. My Best Friend has me as friend(of course:wink2:) a lefty, her other best friend is a lefty,the father of her child is left handed and the men I use to live with was a lefty too. She is a right handed surrounded by lefty's. It's like a reverse world:roftl:
  11. I love this one the most,it's soooo:wub2:
  12. thank you. It's so much fun to make them,I'm so happy with that site
  13. Thank you they are great!! I went to that site and made this
  14. Ja,was wel balen maar hij deed de laatste tijd echt vervelend,ik had het een beetje zien aankomen en nu loopt hij als een trein.

    En het was echt een rommelboel geworden dus nu kan ik lekker alles ordenen op een zuiver systeem.

    Ik ben nu eigenlijk wel blij dat het zo is gegaan.

    Anders zat ik nu nog met een trage pc.

    hey, wat je ogen betreft; ik hoop dat het snel geneest hoor!!



  15. Hey Shady,

    Er zijn er heel veel mislukt maar ik heb er wel een paar goeie.

    Mijn pc is van de week gecrasht(gelukig en wonder boven wonder had ik 3 dagen ervoor een backup gemaakt)

    Ik ben nu alles terug aan het instaleren en de backup die ik had gemaakt was echt een rommel boeltje geworden dus dat moet ik nu allemaal een beetje goed ordenen op het nieuwe systeem.

    Dit zal nog wel enkele dagen duren maar als ik er mee klaar ben dan stuur ik je de goeie wel door of ik zal ze in mijn album hier plaatsen en dan laat ik het je wel weten wanneer ze er in staan.



  16. Yes, I like:wub2:

    That's what I was missing over here.

    BTW; nice to meet you!!

  17. Ah dus jij leeft toch ook nog?

    Weet je nog ik heb je ontmoet in Amsterdam.

    Ik was die uit Belgie die altijd een vuurtje van je leende

  18. Thank you for the request. I didn't know this was all changed and you could do that.

    So thank you again

  19. Hi Lena, it was confusing for me too.

    I suddenly had a friend request on MFC.

    I was like:shocked: wat happens here?




  20. Yeh and you forgot the best one; Frans Bouwer:punk:
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