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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. Between 35 and 40 Euro's exclusive costs(for sending them to you,and insurance) ,That's what I paid in Belgium and Holland
  2. Covering a song at a concert or in a TV show is something totally different than putting a cover on a cd. I know many artist who covers others on stage, even very big stars who are in the business for many years are doing it in their shows, mostly because they have personal feelings to that song or to the original artist. btw;I have seen a lot of covers of Sweet Dreams preformed by different bands or singers. I think it's a song that's really popular to be covered:wink2: (Quoting to others)Oh, and I don't think you have to buy rights to preform a song on stage. There are many small unknown bands / singers who haven't brought out a single or album yet who do performance containing only covers because they haven't got any original material themselves. If they had to buy the rights to preform them they would go bankrupt. Or like when you have a party and you hire a band or in a sound mix show in your village or for example school bands at school events. Covering on stage is something very common and I can't see the point why Mika shouldn't do this. And like others said before, bringing a cover or putting a demo from somonelse on the internet are two completely different things to do. And if you don't like some covers he does, that is ofcourse your right. Me for example, I like the cover I can't Get Enough a lot but I really don't like The Jackson's cover. I just wanted to share these facts and my opinion on this don't see it as an attack or something
  3. hey bedankt,ik ben hier even weg, ga dit eerst kijken en dan moet ik nog even wat doen
  4. Ja nu je het zegt,hihihihi:naughty:
  5. Ja ,ik durf vannacht niet meer gaan slapen,wat een rot droom.
  6. Ja ik was in Amsterdam maar ik was niet bij Droopsy,ik was daar met vrienden en tijdens het concert stond ik voor shady. Ik ben maar even iets gaan zegen tegen de MFC'ers vooral tegen die gene die ik al kende omdat ik de MFC'ers pas heel laat gezien had en iedereen elkaar al bleek te kennen en ik stond er maar wat onbeholpen bij
  7. Nee hoor,ik ben in het algemeen een braaf meisje behalve vannacht,toen heb ik gedroomd dat ik iemand had vermoord en in stukken had gesneden. Ja echt,ik zit hier niet te liegen. Ik heb normaal nooit nachtmerie's maar vannacht werd ik bedreigd door een man met een brandmerkstaaf en een mes en toen heb ik 2 keukenmessen gepakt en hem aan flarden gesneden.:shocked:ik ben er nog niet goed van. Maar wees gerust,in het dagenlijks leven ben ik vrij normaal:naughty:
  8. Ja ,heb ooit al wel eens tegen je gesproken en jij ook al wel eens tegen mij maar zolas je kan zien ben ik niet echt een post'er,ik lees meer dan dat ik post dus ken ik jou een beetje meer dan jij mij:naughty:
  9. Hey Anouk, heb je gisteren mijn pm nog aan gekregen? Heb je me al toegevoegd bij msn?
  10. Ok, in that case that made my day 2. I Love to make people happy I saw some one ask for that video but don't know who anymore so I put it on. The rest will be tomorrow, because I slept 3 and a half hour today.
  11. My video of just can't get enough; http://www.4shared.com/file/54505188/4d86a18e/just_cant_get_.html?dirPwdVerified=5ab8fa2c
  12. PART1 : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1617426&postcount=321 PART 2 Waiting, waiting and waiting and then, finely the fences went open. Running to the stage, sh$t... security, he stopped my friend. We where in the fifth row a little left from the middle of the stage. I had a very good view. Fifth row not totally ideal but consider the time we arrived, I was very happy with this place. I could have go to the middle of the stage but the stage was so high, so it would be better to stand a bit at the left. I saw people with concert-bracelets but I didn't want to lose my place to go find us one, so I didn't had one. Then Sam sparro came on stage, I really like his music and I was very happy he was going to be there. He was very good and his clothes where....hi hi can't explain so here's picture. People seemed to enjoy his act and went along with him and the music. Then the other support act came. It was very bad. I liked the music but I didn't liked that one singer's voice at all and if that wasn't bad enough, she was acting like an escaped wh*re. She was a good looking women but that was about it. The other manwomanthingy's voice was a little better but still... Almost no one in the crowed seem to liked them only Andy:naughty: and a few others(maybe they had compassion with them and where pretending they did) Almost no one was dancing or putting their arms up. After a while some other girls, my friends and me got really sick of them and we started to shout;Mika! Mika! Mika!:blush-anim-cl:When we stopped shouting we could here that till way in the back others had followed us in doing that. That was funny but for a second I felt a little sorry for the singers and a little longer than a sec. for there musicians(they weren't bad) That situation was totally the opposite from what happened with Sam Sparro. I don't think they had expect that to happen, specially because the crowd has been exited during Sam Sparro's act. And finely... there act was over! time for Mika!!!! He looked very fresh,good,almost(I don't want to sound to much groupie-like)amazing. His voice was so good. Anyway I think because during the entire gig everybody was singing along very loud so most of the time I couldn't hear him that well. The show was like Paris but the smaller version of it. I really,really liked it. And mika was hyper and acting really sexy. He was to hyper for my camera so most pictures turned out bad. movement stripes, Mika was already on the other site of the stage when the camera went off, body without a face and so on. All my pictures of Sherisse were abortive, only because I zoomed them to much. That's really a shame because she's my favorite band member. I had recorded relax totally from the point of 9 to 5 but I pressed the wrong button to save it and it's gone. It's a new camera and it was the first time I used it so next time I'll do better. I also met shady during the gig,She's a very nice woman. I liked her. I really enjoyed this gig. Oh and during My Interpretation, Mika was so funny but you have seen it already on video. I also liked him, speaking Dutch again. one more part to come
  13. Ok,here is my report; PART1, I left my home with my best-friend at 10 o clock. We were going to the concert with 4 people. 2 of us leaving home at 10(me and my best friend) and the other 2 at 14.00u Me and my best-friend were planning to go with the car til Tilburg (= the nearest city when crossed the border in the Netherlands from where I live) and from there we would take the train/tram/bus. The other 2 would go with the car. The day before the concert me and my best-friend where working on how to get there with public transport for ourselves and how to get there with the car and to find a good and cheap parking for the other two and how they should go from the parking to the Park with public transport. It took us till 2.00 in the morning because of several reasons I'm not going to mention here. Me and my friend took only the necessarily papers with us to go with the train and stuff. But when we arrived at Tilburg we couldn't find a parking-place where we could park the car till after 2.30u. So we missed the train and the next one also. Because of that we decided to go to Amsterdam with the car instead but we gave the necessarily papers for getting there by car to our other friends. On the way to Amsterdam there was a traffic-jam, which took us more than an hour. I was thinking this situation is going totally wrong. Besides that, We got to Amsterdam very easy but we ended up on the wrong side of Amsterdam. between 1 and 2 hours later we found the Parking we planned for our friends. Now we had to find a way to get to the Westerpark with public transport. The bus-driver we asked information at didn't felt the need to be helpfull,so finely we figured it out ourselves. At 15.30u we arrived at the park. hehe So a drive that supposed to take 2 hours something took us more than 5 hours. When we arrived at the Westerpark there weren't that much people like I had expected to be. It seemed our part of bad look was changing. I felt really lucky because we could sit at the cueue. it was totally different from the Vorst gig last year. It supposed to be a very rainy day with lightning but that wasn't the matter. Sometimes it rained a little but it wasn't that bad. When we were waiting in the cueue we could hear the soundchecks and people went a bit crazy. It was funny,and I really enjoyed the soundchecks. Here a picture of the MFC'ers looking over the fences (at that time i didn't know for sure they where MFc'ers) Video of a soundcheck; http://www.4shared.com/file/54499181/b8c01746/S6300100.html?dirPwdVerified=5ab8fa2c
  14. yes everybody had a chance to say something or/ and to give presents/shake hands.
  15. No,it didn't. It went quite relaxed only at the end some people came from there chair and waited in the passageway that Mika would take. But in my opinion it wasn't that bad.
  16. Here are some of my pictures but for now,I'm to tired to speak here on the forum See you in a couple of hours,and than I'll post some more ---------------------- -----------------------
  17. ik ga nog even verder stresse en dan naar bed. bedankt en groetjes
  18. ja ,met binnen bedoel ik eigenlijk "in het park"
  19. oeps das een rare zin en hij klopt ni helemaal. zullen zenuwen zijn hoop dat je em begrepen hebt
  20. ok dus je zal je kaartje binnen moeten afgevenen daar ergens aan een ingang wachten,denk jij,klopt da?
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