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Everything posted by xxLollypop_girlxx

  1. It's like this programme in the UK where members of the public become 'hosemates' and live in 'the big brother house', not being in touch with the outside world.They are on TV practically 24 hous a day-They get evicted as time goes by..winner wins money.. Website- http://www.channel4.com/bigbrother/ Usually they have people on it who are desperate for stardom, but this time they have people with lots of different talents, so it's rather interesting. They also have celebs hijacking it this time, taking over from 'big brother'- who sets tasks and rewards/punishments...
  2. Yes..so awful it's almost good, I have seen a little of this one, it's been rather funny for once
  3. Hello there! how are you? I am usually full of random stuff to comment on..ummmm..anyone watching big bro hijack?
  4. Pink, You are such a great member , and I respect your contributions to this fourm. Really hope things do get better soon. Looking forward to seeing you online in the future.
  5. So do I, I'm the same with hairdryers when I go on holiday...sitting on a plane thinking..I think I did turn it off...what if I didn't...etc...crazy really because there is nothing I can do about it it I have..lol
  6. In the post that was posted from the dail star lol But from a different site:naughty: lol hehe
  7. http://picasaweb.google.com/mikapenniman.album ^This is a link from the web album all the pics are in...could you see this or were you just looking at the first site? - http://www.mikapenniman.it/ Hope this helps
  8. Thanks for posting! Try this..don't know if it will work lol http://www.me-me-me.tv/2008/01/10/oh-look-a-brand-new-exclusive-mika-interview/
  9. Ok, so it's either im really behind...or this is new http://www.mikasounds.com/international/international.html Each country (well, not all) has a different website! Thats really amazing! So much attention to detail. Take a look and see what you think. There are some great pictures/interviews I have never seen before.. http://www.mikamusic.it/firenze.html http://umusic.ca/mika/ *Ops..I spelt countries wrong...sorry guys:doh:*
  10. oooo another chace to win tickets, thanks!
  11. Th anks for posting:thumb_yello: This is from the Mirror too: http://www.mirror.co.uk/showbiz/3am/2008/01/10/singer-mika-89520-20280076/
  12. I love My Interpretation..it's just fantastic The acoustic version relax I love too... Also Any Other world.. Can't forget Grace Kelly.. And love today... Stuck in the middle..za do di bi do ba ba zab.. Ahhhh I can't choose, they are all great But I do think his version of Sweet Dreams in amazing too
  13. (A Quote lol) I'll put the rest of the pics up here in Greta's thread as Greta has already put one up... they're from January 8, 2008, Gala performance of Cirque de Soleil's: Varekai at the Royal Albert Hall. (sorry about the watermarks) This was from another thread:thumb_yello:
  14. I have not seen it either 'The band release debut single High 5 on Monday and have been sworn to secrecy about the tour deal.' Well, its not secret anymore.. Edit..there is alot of stuff from the star I have not seen before... http://www.dailystar.co.uk/posts/view/20207/Single-Palladium-High-5/ http://www.dailystar.co.uk/posts/view/20192/Mika-big-hit-at-World-Music-Awards/
  15. Lol, I think she should be, keeping us up to date with all this news
  16. Thanks for posting. Haha, look to the left of the page..there is another article about Mika written yesterday. I think someone at the dail star likes mika! : http://www.dailystar.co.uk/posts/view/26002
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