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Everything posted by xxLollypop_girlxx

  1. This is off-topic..but it's allowed since it's the random thread! I posted it before,(in another thread!) but it got ignored! It's from the fiat 500 website! Bit random but funny:roftl: http://www.fiat.co.uk/Showroom/?id=10977#showroom/new_500/500launch(press on the thing about straws and then my other everyday masterpices)
  2. OMG! you joined on the 11th Aug, I joined on the 12th!! How randomly funny is that!
  3. OOOO wait a min I will check your profile...
  4. lol. That would be funny, with so many people wanting it, and then a newbie who posts once grabs it:naughty:
  5. Just out of interest, what day did you join this fourm? (there is a point to this)
  6. ahhhh..so I'm talking to a potential 1000000 poster.Wait a min..I am a potential 1000000 poster:naughty: hehe lol
  7. kk lol. Barunka, bbabucia...same thing:mf_rosetinted:
  8. Hey! Are you the 1000000 poster? oooo i'm talking to a MFC celeb:naughty:
  9. Hey, can I join this thread please? So, anyone got anything random to say?:Plol
  10. I'm here to do some voting:mf_rosetinted: *bump*
  11. The car is going to be put in one of the capsules and go round! How cute! lol That would be a small concert!
  12. I think I would go for the car..sell it, then be able to afford tickets to all mika gigs
  13. You always have so many photos! I have never seen big girl in red before!
  14. Welcome! Voted,. At one time mika was doing well on some of them But then it just kinda well..stopped.
  15. You missed the MFC birthday, and the 1000000th post celebration. welcome back!
  16. I was just searching for the fiat 500 information - and came across this: http://iccoventry.icnetwork.co.uk/whatson/tm_headline=rock-mika-has-million-reasons-to-relax&method=full&objectid=20276795&siteid=50003-name_page.html TIME magazine this week named Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as their person of the year on the grounds that, despite his somewhat questionable attitude to human rights, he had imposed stability on a dangerously unpredictable Russian state. The award, previously bestowed on the likes of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, George Bush Jnr and Bono, is not so much an honour as recognition of an individual's impact during the previous 12 months. If we apply that logic to entertainment, the man of the year has surely got to be Mika for bringing back a sense of sheer fun to pop music. The Christmas rush should push debut album Life in Cartoon Motion past the million mark in the UK, where it was only surpassed by Amy Winehouse as the best-selling album of the year. It has shifted a further three million copies around the world and spawned four hit singles - Grace Kelly, Big Girl, Happy Ending and the Grammy-nominated Love Today. The Beirut-born singer (invariably compared to Freddie Mercury in reviews although his style, surely, is far more Sparks' Russell Mael) rounds off his remarkable year next week when he unveils new single Relax (Take it Easy). It was actually the first track he released, as a limited edition and now collector's-item seven-inch in the summer of 2006. And while the album version can already be downloaded, a new cut will be available on Monday followed by a twin-CD/USB stick release, backed by live favourite Lollipop, on New Year's Eve. Thats all, just thought I would post it! (even though we already know it) ..I just tried to post this a min ago..but my internet closed itself Strange.
  17. Have you gus seen these? http://www.fiat.co.uk/Showroom/?id=10977#showroom/new_500/500launch Bit random but funny
  18. I have entered! I was looking at new cars today with family, and I suggested this one for them .
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