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Everything posted by xxLollypop_girlxx

  1. Thats cool! He did well in the 'Londons top 500' as well:thumb_yello:
  2. So have I, and I can't wait for it to arrive :yay: Thanks for posting the myspace bulletin
  3. I must admit I did not see the difference Before I refreshed the pageI was making up stuff like..yea that symbol looks bigger..or that colour might be different :doh: AH! my gosh, just refreshed the page..It scared the living daylights out of me:shocked: Just was not expecting it, thats all
  4. That reminds me of that advert that has the 'super DVAL computer' that you can't hide from if you have not payed you're road tax or whatever..The music on these adverts freak me out
  5. Sounds like a good idea. Although I rented one of his tapes to a friend, and never actually got it back I should really ask about that, but I think they would be like :what the?
  6. It's awful when people are rude like that. It's great that you are going to go back. I got a gym membership, and went every week...and then I just errr kinda stopped going
  7. lol.Thats funny. My mum would say..'who's the mug there then?'
  8. It only works if you are really prepared to take it very seriously and focus on it. I guess not everything works for everyone. But thats cool, because I'm rubbish with gyms and stuff like that!
  9. Hopefully, it will end up on youtube, or maby in their higlights part
  10. Even better if you read their cd review- Mika Life in Cartoon Motion There's no doubt about it - Mika has a lovely voice and is a great musician. What’s more you feel that this album is exactly the way he intended it to be. Thanks for the reminder, I will be watching
  11. :yay: I think this puts my message across:naughty: arg, is there anyway I can make this banner smaller?
  12. Big Girl no 299 Love Today at no 53 Relax no 65 Grace Kelly no 6 Every single apart form Happy ending (and lollipop) not there!
  13. Hey everyone. Just an idea I have. Have any of you considered trying Paul Mckenna's books,CD's...? I have many friends and family who have lost weight and kept it that way. It's a very clever system that I can't expalin. but It's on his website. Here is his website if anyone is interested. http://www.mckenna-direct.com/Default.aspx One of his books is called ' I can make you thin' Thin sounds unheathhy to me, I wish he would use slim . Anyway, take a look and see what you think. You may have seen him on the TV or something.
  14. My sister is going to the London fireworks tonite. She is gonna get squished J'aime le Toue Eiffel:wub2: [ And the Statue Of liberty.
  15. I think we need some mid day fireworks!
  16. I was just about to post the same thing!! i find this interesting, a little scary, but rather funny at the same time. Billy Brown we hate you and I'll give hell to the monster- that is a bit freaky!
  17. No This computer is sooo slow it takes pages a while to load anyway Everyones talking about these songs,it sounds so interesting. edit: Have just spotted Aauroras post!
  18. The link cannot be found:thumbdown: Thanks for helping though Yes, I do have Windows Media Player.
  19. How do we listen to the songs ? My screen just goes blank when I click on the links...
  20. You are officially addicted...it's hours of being clinged to the PC and eye ache to come yet to the MFC! Have fun!
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