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Everything posted by xxLollypop_girlxx

  1. And Mikas at ... No 3 Well done Mika!! :yay: (Umbrella is at no2.LL at no 1)
  2. Wow what fantastic luck you have!! have fun!
  3. You summed up cable tv for me. That happens to me sometimes, I just raise my eyebrows and say I can live without. Everyone watches next top model or something??? I don't have a clue.
  4. That must be annoying. It's on freeview, ya no I was only joking though (about watching it) I need to go to sleep sometime...
  5. It's on again on TMF in 10 mins if anyone feels like checking Might need to wait about 5 and 1/2 hours to see him though
  6. So far they have gone up to 201 and Big Girl is listed at 299. Thats all I have found so far, but will keep an eye out as thay enter the top 200.
  7. Thats cool. I have seen adverts for this, but did not watch it! Thanks for posting!!
  8. I think so..if he got given 3/4 awards at once then yes. Unless your tv people interviewed him. Taken your mind off 50-cent??
  9. Problems!whay would I have problems with it? The more Mika pictures, the better Also, I added another one
  10. I took some photos today.. http://picasaweb.google.com/xxjjangelxx/
  11. That is ok Sorry some of them have got the flash marks on though, but it's too dark without It beats me how he fits all this in too! So many interviews as well! It's like magic!
  12. http://picasaweb.google.com/xxjjangelxx/ Here we are guys..not sure those other attachments were working, so try this instead!
  13. There are just soooo many songs in the world..there is no way every single on can be completley different.We could say the same for Billy Joels song For the Longest Time http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=pu9NG1zD5Kg&feature=related . Fact is, each song still sounds completely different! It's the same with everything!!
  14. Here we go! Not the best pictures-sorry, but you can get the general idea!
  15. Ok, coming up!. It will be 5mins and attached if thats ok.
  16. Would anyone like it if I posted some pics from the magazine it is in? Theres not much more, but if you would like to see it, please say!
  17. 'Which celebrities, film stars, TV shows, movies and sporting heroes have got you searching over the past 12 months? Find out as Hotlist reveals the Top 100 searches of the year. Our Top 100 chart has been compiled from most popular names, phrases and search terms entered by the millions of MSN and Live Search users between January 1 and December 10 2007' Mika is at 66-not bad at all If you click on his name it gives you lots of pictures like these.. http://hotlist.uk.msn.com/2007/top100searches2007.aspx Sorry if this has already been posted.
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