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Everything posted by xxLollypop_girlxx

  1. So it's just gone nine! Its supposedly over.. but I can still vote muhuhuhuhuh They might not count it I suppose..
  2. Sorry about that.. computer trouble.. lets try again... Thank-you everyone!! Im off now.. but I'll be back later for more voting and celebrating!!
  3. Thanks eveyone for your kind Birthday wishes!!! :yay: I wonder if they will update the results soon...
  4. lol I'll wait till 12:00 and then got to bed! Well done wit hthe voting everyone!
  5. Awww thanks It's weird to think it's already the 16th in 'continental europe'!!
  6. :eek: Must stay awake...must stay awake:sleep_1: lol although I will have to get some sleep sometime, I have to be up early tomorow, its my B-day Of course, I will drop by here first, and get some voting done! News flash: Leon won the Xfactor, is anyones asking.
  7. I would like to see the current results- has our work payed off at all? I do hope so:naughty:
  8. Weird this should crop up today, I was searching on youtube yesterday, and these Aol winter warmer things came up! Strange Aol left is so long before posting though!
  9. You're welcome! Have another http://www.roty.tv Do you think time differences will change the time we can vote for depending on where we are? (according to my clock it's around 11 hours left) *Votes*
  10. I feel your pain Petra...now just relax, take it easy.. and click this link: http://www.roty.tv
  11. 'Always look on the bright side of life' didodidodidodido! Keep the voting spirit eveyone!!
  12. This years x-factor final starts in 5mins, never know, the votes might calm for a while
  13. I get what your'e saying..but a vote is a vote, surely the tiny percentange that is counts as is going to make the same difference to TT and LL score who ever we vote for Is that just me? Anyway, Keep voting :biggrin2:
  14. Never say never ..Ok so you did not actually say never I must admit..it's not looking good
  15. I have voted quite a lot today now. Like Petra, I hope they update the results soon. I guess we just have to keep going!
  16. Yes, that would be very interesting. The TT and LL people must be voting like crazy!!
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