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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Haha oops ... well he was my picture-taker cause he's so tall I'll introduce myself tomorrow night It's just sorta intimidating cause it seems like you guys all know each other and talk to each other all the time on the forum. I rarely have a lot of time to come on here so I feel like I'm missing out on something... if that makes sense at all
  2. BTW, I was standing right in front of you (as creepy as that sounds)... I was wearing a red sweatshirt and my friend was the tall guy in the orange sweatshirt. I just feel really shy introducing myself to MFC people because I feel like you guys all know each other and have a little group already, you know?
  3. I only stayed until 7, what happened when he left? I'm assuming he didn't drive away in the ice cream truck?
  4. Amen! Especially because a lot of MFC-ers have met him before, and those who got to talk quickly with him today probably haven't.
  5. Because MFC-ers didn't stand in line, I only got ice cream because someone who did stand in line offered me his I thought I saw Ella! But then I convinced myself I had just imagined her because no one else said anything
  6. Come on, you should be so thankful he would even arrange an event like this!
  7. Don't have a flickr, don't have a twitter, nothing. I'm not really into the whole internet/microblogging thing... sorry about posting the pictures. This is the only way I know how to do it and I figured you guys would rather see them posted here than not at all.
  8. Yup that was her. When I was there she was mostly walking around outside though, and not in the truck.
  9. It seemed really casual. I was standing up by the truck and there wasn't any security or anything. It was really chill
  10. At one point he looked up and was like "F***! This line goes all the way around the park!!"
  11. Unfortunately, it sounded like generic ice cream truck music.
  12. Hey everyone - I didn't know where exactly to post my pictures from the ice cream thing tonight, so I posted them in the "MFC members! Tickets to Surprise LA Gig 4/15/09!" thread. Here's a video I took: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuswJTGjmqQ
  13. I'm in my only class of the day right now and I can't focus at all.... way too excited for tonight and tomorrow!!
  14. Santa Monica's like in my backyard and I totally missed this.
  15. It's just to the east/northeast of Playa del Rey ... it's where LAX is!
  16. Once you've experienced LA weather you make any excuse you can to come back out here
  17. I'm really close to the studio ... but I wonder where his hotel is ...
  18. Sherman Oaks ... that's on the other side of Beverly Hills right? I'm bad at knowing where things are I live in Westchester. Let's have a positive attitude! It could happen!
  19. If being a mutt is good enough for Mika, it's good enough for me
  20. I'm honestly resisting the urge to go into crazy stalker mode. Greg Wells' studio is 10 minutes from me!!!
  21. Mika is in LA?? Maybe I'll run into him... I can dream can't I?
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