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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Please oh please let him record at least a little in Los Angeles...
  2. Yesss! Did you go to Mika's Minneapolis concert?
  3. Is there another Paul Wellstone that I don't know about???
  4. :roftl: By the way, it's cool to be talking to another Minnesotan. There are precious few of us on here.
  5. Yeah they did, and that picture there calls him the "disappointing sex symbol of the week". Oh well. He looked fine to me. But then again, now he's more muscley ...both looks are good
  6. Wow, I like your mom already! I heard Grace Kelly in January 07 and I was HOOKED immediately. Though I was just a lurker here for a long time before I decided to actually get an account...
  7. No problem I guess I'd better throw a picture in here then too... lol... love that one!
  8. So...how did you get into Mika? I'm just curious to see how everyone discovered him.
  9. Yup, the Emerald Forest. I'll find you the interview link, gimme a sec...
  10. Hmm... well I'm trying to learn how to skateboard (disastrous ), and I just got a nannying job with an adorable little 14 month old boy! You?
  11. Nope, Loyola Marymount. I absolutely LOVE IT there. Prettiest campus ever!
  12. Hey Carrie! I quite like all the Russell stuff you've got...
  13. Hey Brittany! I'm going to college in your city!
  14. Hey...I was just reading your "location" ... you know the forest has a name, right?
  15. Aka...the best part of the whole song
  16. I haven't posted here in so long. It's so cool to see all the new people! I would love to get to know all of you My name's Clare
  17. That's 'cause you're on a MIKA website
  18. Welcome, you will have SO much fun here
  19. I didn't know Mika was going to do a show in NYC at the same time I was vacationing there until like the day before. So I got scalper tickets that night By the way, didn't there used to be a link for "Account" up next to "Home Forum Games ...etc" ? Or am I dreaming?
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