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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Yes good night everyone! ...now I'll have amazing dreams about delicious cowboys...
  2. I seriously just went downstairs and watched The Magnificent Seven - which is over two hours long, and I came back to my computer and thought there's no way you guys would still be awake and talking. But here you are
  3. grr... Jess better tell us about this Easter Egg! And Amanda, that's awesome! I really wanna see it!
  4. OK I'm watching it right now, and HANDS DOWN, the funniest part of the dvd is when Mikey and Mika are talking about their band's name. Just watch Mika's face throughout the whole thing
  5. Yeah, it's Jump by Van Halen. and Mikey cracks me up sooo much
  6. Jess, I love that part! He's dancing around like a little kid and then he blesses himself... it's totally adorable
  7. of course, my favorite part is when he's walking around Italy with Mikey and Cherisse So many good quotes.
  8. coughLIARcough I'm watching it right now! ...and I totally, uh, didn't have a DVD release party when it came out...
  9. It's refreshing to be around someone who hasn't seen it 100000000 times and doesn't know every single word by heart.
  10. If by "good" you mean insane and unpredictable. It should not be allowed to be -30, then 20, then -15, then 40... that's crazy.
  11. I'm moving to LA later this year. I'm getting away from the snow and crazy weather.
  12. You guys it was like freaking summer here!!! It was 40 degrees! WTF? Yesterday it was -15! *dies*
  13. You can see it here at like 3:54 But a much clearer view is here at like 4:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLAiYeULdP0
  14. Yeah lemme go get it for you...
  15. I don't remember who wrote about it but I could've sworn they did because it was up on the front page of the MFC and everyone was freaking out
  16. I hate to break it to ya, but most schools are closed on President's Day. At least mine and the ones around here are.
  17. Just remember his band member's blogs about reading the yearbook, and the video where he gets the scrapbook: http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=7450360
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