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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Well how's the weather in..... New York? sorry I'm not sure where you live
  2. WHAT?! Out of school?? That's not fair!!! Why? My dad went to school in Central MN (not even Northern MN), and he remembers a day that was -45 degrees without windchill and -90 degrees with windchill That's just crazy!
  3. It's an improvement when it's been -30, yes.
  4. I think my body's adapted Seriously, though, I wear long underwear a lot It's warmer now than it's been recently, though!
  5. No it definitely wasn't Glastonbury. Different outfit.
  6. Hey Jess, ready for a weather update? -6 degrees.
  7. Good I'm glad other people feel the same
  8. At the risk of being shot... I was actually hoping it's a girlfriend... because I want to see him happy and I don't wanna see him all alone forever
  9. Hmm... who is it then, do ya think?
  10. did anyone catch what the front of his hoodie said?
  11. Yay AMAZING and I want his outfit, he looked delicious!!! He's probably also the most adorable person ever :punk: :punk:
  12. p.s. Mika, please stop shaving your delicious chest hairs off. Love, Clare
  13. I'm completely, utterly, 100%, dead.
  14. I don't know how to record stuff off of TV and put it onto the computer LOL I'm technologically challenged.
  15. Am I going to be the first one seeing it air on TV (obviously not counting those who were there for the taping) ?
  16. Aah I wanna do it but I have no idea what to write! (well not no idea, but very few)
  17. It might have been a bit much. I just simply don't buy into the whole "he couldn't do it, it's too hard" thing.
  18. 7:00 plus 3.5 hours = 10:30 ...am I not right?
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