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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Well I apologize, I didn't know my words would be looked at so meticulously. *ahem* IN MY OPINION, Mika could do it. Because not everyone finds it scary to be on stage, not everyone finds it hard to come up with interesting or funny remarks on the spot, and not everyone gets nervous when they're the center of attention. Just speaking from personal experience. The end.
  2. Am I seriously the only one who noticed that? Come on!
  3. It would be quite rude to point out that a certain article of his clothes seems to be working really hard in this picture
  4. Saying that being on stage is terrifying and that coming up with banter is very difficult is completely your opinion, though. Just because it's hard for you doesn't mean it's hard for him or anyone else! From a very personal point of view, I can't even count the number of times I've been on stage just in, like, this past year. I've always been a performer. I'm a zillion theatre shows and I sing for a zillion choirs, I'm in an improv troupe and I'm a musician who's done small gigs before. Listen, I don't get stage fright. Ever. I don't think it's scary at all, I love it. I LOVE being the center of attention. And banter? It's not hard, ESPECIALLY if you're a born performer, and you love entertaining people. Mika could DEFINITELY do it. Stand-up comedians do. But their talent and job is crafting the EXACT structure, sound, and diction to make their joke the funniest. So when you find the perfect sentence structure, you have to repeat it every time you do your routine. But other types of comedy aren't like that. For instance, I'm in an improv troupe, so every night for us is something completely new and made up in that second.
  5. I'd just like to point out that both of our first reactions were about the same thing. Definitely a memorable part of the movie
  6. That poor neck's gotta support the nose and the hair. Someone give that thing a medal.
  7. Personally, I think it's quite easy to banter. I've done tiny gigs before at places like Coffeehouses, and it's actually not as hard as you'd imagine. Just say what you think mostly. Then again, I also am in a improv troupe, so I might not be the best example
  8. In a way, though, maybe he's trying to make it more like a concrete, set show?: But I'm with you Jack, I think he should improv his banter. It is getting old. I'm just trying to give what might be Mika's viewpoint...maybe.
  9. Speaking of funny... your avatar? AMAZING. Him and Russell Brand on a quiz team together is nothing short of absolute genius.
  10. Yup. Whenever I'm in a show, my director always tells the cast not to improv weird things or add in inside jokes onstage because though it might be the 300000th time we've done the show, it's the audience's first time seeing it.
  11. I liked The Crucible, too. Though anything with DDL in it is awesome.
  12. Is LOTM the one with the guy named Magua who says that he's going to "rip out the white man's hearts" or something like that? Because that was brilliant.
  13. I think he does that in lots of places because he did it in Minneapolis too.
  14. LOL was he wearing velvet pants? Because that's what the picture makes them look like
  15. Yay, I do that too! I literally have an Oscar ballot also hanging on my wall in my room! As for your picture... I'm not going to say anything about how there are creases in his pants being pulled in a certain direction... because that would be rude. Nice, er, belt.
  16. This is not nice, Jay. The fans want to know!:
  17. If this is true, then it's amazing and I'm super super excited
  18. Your dad met DDL? I'm so jealous!!! Yeah, There Will Be Blood had better win tons of awards or I'll be very sad. Draaaaaaiiiinaaaaage! I am a hugely nerdy gigantic movie freak. Hence, I'm going to film school in Los Angeles next year
  19. ........................ 12 DAYS UNTIL THE OSCARS!!! :punk:
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